Thursday, 23 July 2015


The Bible says, “But have reverence for Christ in your hearts, and honor Him as Lord.”      
 (1 Pet.3:15)

“Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; He breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live.” (Gen. 2 :7)

Three steps have been mentioned in the story of Creation.

Scooping some mud into His hands, God might have added His own blood to mold the soil to dough and finally shape man to his form.

Secondly, He breathed into the nostrils, the air of life, which can be His Spirit. The Scriptures often symbolize the Holy Spirit as breeze.

Thirdly, it mentions that man began living as a dissimilar individual unlike God’s other creations.

While our body is a shell connected to the worldly functions, the
Soul is the source of our will and emotions and often termed as self-conscious. It also has the power to feel, understands and helps in decisions.
Above all the spirit within us is the part that relates to God and His Will and imbibe in us the Consciousness of God.

Holy Bible instructs us that Holy Spirit is the right of all.

“I will pour out my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message. Your young men will see visions and your old men will have dreams.” (Acts 2:17)

At a very young age, due to the faith of parents, Christians receive Holy Spirit through the sacrament of Baptism. It is evident that the spirit resides in every Christian.

But we need to ponder over the fact that if at all any importance is given to the infilling and inspiration of the Holy Spirit as we advance in age! This thought requires consideration.

The Holy Bible instructs us that instead of being satisfied by merely receiving the initial fruits, it is essential to pray fervently for the infilling of the Holy Spirit that leads to further growth.

As mentioned in the Holy Bible – “Streams of life giving water will flow and he would be transformed into a person who fulfills the Will of God.

But, will the Lord sent His Holy Spirit on the Gentiles?

Bible clearly states that “He shall shower the Holy Spirit on one and all.”

In the preaching of St. Peter, we learn that the faithful were astonished by the outpour of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles.

“As he was preaching, all the Gentile listeners began to praise God by being filled with His Holy Spirit.” (Acts. 10:44)

To witness numerous youth being filled with the Spirit and Praising God is indeed a celestial sight. The witness of few of the many who wrote their experiences is being published;

·        With a desire to know Jesus, I came along with my sister and took part in this prayer. When I lifted my hands in praise to God, streams of tears started flowing from my eyes. The immense peace and tranquility which filled my heart is indescribable. Similarly, when I lifted my hands, the feeling that God held my hands, imparts great comfort. Today, there is not a single day, when I don’t speak personally with my Lord. Hearing the Word of God inspires me to rectify my errors and assist me to correct them, by leaving aside pain and sacrifice. Today, by the grace of God, I have been able to lead many to Jesus. Praise the Lord!

·        During prayer, I could feel the presence of Lord in the group and great joy and bountiful peace filled my heart. Lord Jesus banished my worries, tiredness and sleepiness and blessed me with the concentration which I lacked. Physical and mental strength, confidence and new hope overcame the weariness and gloominess in me.

·        During the praise, I received spiritual strength. In a vision the Lord showed me the Holy Bruises on His Body which was unbearable for me and tears began to flow. The experience made me a bright and cheerful person and enabled me to forgive everyone in His name. I gave all my hurt feelings to Lord and He filled me with His Mighty Power. I can assure you that Lord loves and glorifies the youth.

·        During the prayer, I was hesitant to lift my hands in praise. In a vision I saw Jesus walking and blessing everyone in our midst. A great light appeared and the whole place was shaken. Tears began to flow, my heart became light and I was blessed with the Gift of Praise and my faith increased in folds.

·        Fear of life ceased while praying. I was strengthened mentally, physically and spiritually during the Word of God. I was blessed with a vision in which I saw Jesus walking ahead and we all youth following Him. Praise the Lord.

·        Generally at the approach of exams, I was held captive by various illnesses like high fever, breathlessness and body swelling and often resulted in failure. Attending the youth prayer, I was gifted with Spiritual strength and Lord found me worthy to be anointed with His Holy Spirit and healed me from all my physical ailments. He inspired me to face my exams courageously. Thank You Lord! Praise You Lord!

·        I was attracted to the Prayer by the LWE 2000, magazine. Though being lazy and back in studies, good Lord granted astonishing results.

·        Having experienced many blessings, I began to move away from Lord. Unbearable backache again brought me to the prayer. The Lord called by my name and healed me. Again when I began to stray from my Lord, I was unable to eat anything properly. In my distress I reached out to the Lord on a Saturday prayer and again He called out my name and healed me. I glorify my Lord who follows me and endows me with Fatherly Love. Praise the Lord!

That day not a single person was left who had not experienced the Glory inherited from God by Jesus.  the Lord glorified all the 24 youth who had put aside their work and gathered together for prayer. It was an experience of the great Pentecost which would be etched in our memory. The Glorious Lord proved the depth of His love for the youth by fulfilling the promise of Holy Spirit.
Thus concluded a holiday which was spent blessed in the Lord’s presence in a fruitful manner. 
                                                            --Published on June 1995, LWE 2000

We grieve the Holy Spirit that we have received by accepting the inspiration of sin, evil habits and selfish motives. We reject the advice of the Holy Spirit.

God protects us in His Divine Hand, yet we who enjoy His Protection, despises His very existence. It would be just like that of a child who lay safely in the womb of his mother, but mentions that there is no mother.
This is something that hurts our loving Father very deeply. Hence we ought to repent if we have grieved the Holy Spirit.

When King David was enslaved to his bodily desires, he lost his spiritual joy. In repentance he cried out to God:                     (Psalms 51:11)

“Lord, do not banish me from Your Presence;
Do not take away Your Holy Spirit from me.”

If sinful desires fear, depression and sorrows are hidden within us, then definitely we are not within the reign of the Holy Spirit. Instead we are in the ruled by the evil spirit which offer us only with momentary joy followed by sadness and fear.

It is our duty to protect the Holy Spirit by praying unceasingly and become submissive to His will by offering our life to God.

Through prayer and spiritual hard work, each one will be able to withdraw from evil deeds and progress towards the Holy Spirit.
This is meant by rebirth in Holy Spirit.

We all desire to do well but at times our deeds take a bad turn, which we ourselves despise. It is possible to gain victory in our deeds with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father Himself is the one who provides this gift in abundance to all who ask Him. Therefore, Rejoice in Him!

                                                                                    (To be continued)

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"