Tuesday, 14 July 2015


The Bible says, “Come, let us praise the Lord! Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us! Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and sing joyful songs of praise. For the Lord is a mighty God, a mighty king over all the gods.”     (Psalms 95: 1-3)

An attitude of openness and expectancy are essential to approach God.  As I mentioned earlier, a yielded heart which expects a transformation or you can say, a relaxed mindset will gain good result. The Lord is awesome in His greatness and 
the Majestic  power is overwhelming.

Therefore, the Bible tells us, to praise Him with all your skills and might.
The Heaven above is adorned by angels array, praising His Glory and Honor whereas on earth (i.e) his footstep, He has created us with His skills and wisdom to ordain His glory.

Our Glorious Lord wants “His will be done on earth as in Heaven.”
So it will be more acceptable to God if we praise and worship Him as how it is in Heaven.

The Book of Revelation to John, in his heavenly vision explains to us that, “it sounded like a large crowd, like the sound of roaring waterfall, like loud peals of thunder; I heard them saying: Praise God, Lord Almighty, God is King.” (Rev.19:6)

During the assembly of prayer service, the devotees witness the above experience.  When a faithful one starts exalting His Name and Praise Him, Heaven truly opens and joins us and we build the Kingdom of God.

It is an amazing experience to be in this Kingdom and in His Kingship on Earth.

He commands His Authority and eradicates all unwanted interference. Alleluia!!

Here are few testimonies from children under the age of twelve:

·         I hesitated to raise my hand when asked to witness all who heard thunder, echoes and seen visions of heavenly beings. Many witnessed by raising their hands. But today in writing, I am testifying the experience. Alleluia!!
·         On the 15th April 1995, while praising with closed eyes, I clearly saw Lord Jesus adorned with crown, seated in the Most High. I was extremely happy and ran ahead to witness. Alleluia!!
·         I was unable to sleep due to nightmares and fear engulfed me all the time. As I began to praise God in my mind, my fears as well as my nightmares vanished. Praise the Lord!!
·         From the past one year, many times I have been able to see Jesus in different visions amidst a huge ball of light. Two  weeks ago before the reading of the Bible, when we were thanking and praising God in Christen section, I could again see the above part of Lord Jesus, who was standing with outstretched hands. Surrounded with a fluorescent color. My eyes were filled with tears of joy and did not feel like opening them. I soon told Miss that Lord Jesus is present with us. Alleluia!! Amen.
·         In the new prayer ground, when we were praising God together, I saw a beautiful light. Amidst the light I vividly saw Mother Mary riding on a donkey with a little boy in her arms. I was filled with great joy. When asked to witness, soon I lifted my hand and glorified my Lord. Henceforth, my bad habit of biting nails, saying lies due to fear departed from me. Today I love my Jesus and Mother Mary very much.

Yes, our children are evidence of the fact that whenever two or three gather in Lord Jesus’ name anywhere He descends amidst them. Their eagerness and enjoyment in witnessing the Lord is indescribable. Praise God!!

It proves that the King of Israel is pleased and honors the humble with victory.

Let’s refer to the Biblical way to Praise God
The book of psalms will guide and urge us to praise Him in spiritual manner. It says, “Praise God with all your musical instruments by clapping, lifting and waving hands and by dancing too.”

Psalm 47:1, tells us to “clap our hands for joy, all people. Praise God with loud songs.”. It is one of the most efficacious acts of prayer.

So the ignorant leading unhealthy life feels restless to be with people of praise.
King David, with his best soldiers in Israel, a total of 30,000 men were dancing and singing with all their might, to honor the Lord. They were playing harps, lyres, drums, rattles and cymbals. Saul’s daughter and few were disgusted and criticized about it.

Yet David said, “I will go on dancing to honor the Lord and I will disgrace myself evermore to honor Him.”

We are sure that even today there are faithful people to stop and ridicule people of praise.

Never mind, the Bible says to us, “It is better to trust in the Lord than to depend on men.” (Psalms 118:8)

So never lose heart!! We, great and small are called to praise our Creator (Book of Rev).

Memorizing His virtues, Highness, Royal Power and Loving Kindness to all creatures will encourage us to exalt Him as well as recollecting God’s compassion, well planned promises and His Majestic authorities will help us to bow down our pride and prejudice. So, let us humble ourselves to make us worthy to be His children.

It is vital and wise to confirm our faith that the Lord, who is able to create good out of bad, will definitely change the bad into two fold goodness.

When you meditate the above said qualities and glorify His Name, then spontaneously the lips will start the sacrifice of praise in its own way and God’s power will lead us towards the praise. 

Once you start exercising this act daily, the Holy Spirit, himself will take charge of your spiritual growth.

Let’s go through a testimony:
As I was standing along with the entire community, asking God how to praise, when unknowingly my lips began to move continuously and I experienced an inexpressible tranquility. My tears were overflowing. After that I was relieved from fear, anxiety and sorrow. (Oct 1995 edition of LWE 2000)

If you had a past joyful life in union with Christ and now you feel the doors of blessings bolted up and a bed of hopelessness? Never mind: Begin today, believe the truth that the light is still flickering with you. Perhaps the oil in the lamp is evaporated. Yet do not be worried!!

Since it is your desire and decision, confess it, “I will always Praise the Lord, I will never stop praising Him, I will proclaim Your greatness every day, I will thank You and Praise You forever and ever. I will praise Him as long as I live and sing to my God my whole life.”

By taking pleasure, confessing truly and a steady mind by removing the moles in your eyes and looking into your heart deeply, you can find your little light.
You can rekindle your lamp by praising God. Allow the lamp to burn like the flickering lamp to lead your path and share your good experiences to many.

Then you will be able to stand as a bright lamp in the commemoration of the second coming of our King Jesus Christ.

May Lord grant you the grace to proclaim the Good News of He, who is calling You from darkness into the anointing brightness of His Light.
Thus obtain the grade of being His own Chosen People.

Happiness makes for a long life; and makes it worth living. (Sirach 30:22) 

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"