The Bible
says, “The blood on the door-posts will be a sign to mark the houses in which
you live. When I see the blood, I will pass over you and will not harm you.”
(Exodus 12:13)
We have already understood that
God’s Word is the key to victory and freedom from bondage.
Prior to the first Passover, God
commanded His loved ones to obey the above verse. God specifically instructed
the Israelites to observe the Passover as an ordinance for you and your sons
God never changed his mind in
regards to the Blood Covenant with His people. The command was effective even
after they reached their destination.
The Bible says, in Exodus 12:25 “when
you enter the land that the Lord has promised to give you, you must perform
this ritual.”
We being devotee of Christ, how
much enthusiastically we ought to observe this command!
Our Loving Father replaced the
blood of sheep and goats with the most perfect sacrifice ---“The Blood of His Son.”
By the same evidence we are to
celebrate His Covenant forever. In ancient times the blood of an animal would
protect a family, then, how much more can the Blood of Christ protect us now.
During my personal conversation
with Lord and especially at times when we would be travelling, I had a practice
of asking God to sprinkle His Precious Blood and protect me and everyone
around. It is a practice that I initiated in our family prayer and handed down
to my children who are also regular in the recitation.
During the preparation of the
public services and for pray-over, it was my regular practice to surrender the
crowd, the venue, and the surroundings to be covered with the precious blood of
Jesus. It was through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, when I loyally obeyed,
God proved the benefit of it.
During the initial stages of my
mission, I was asked to pray for a lady, who was on her deathbed. Being new to
the locality and unaware of anyone around, I was reluctant to step out and
pray. Her relatives insisted that they had a dream that through my prayer she
will be healed and that’s when they knocked on my door.
Still reluctant, I began to
communicate with my Lord and in a divine vision the Holy Spirit flutter its
wings, sprinkling blood on my head and saw a web being formed around me and
my right hand became heavy. The Lord inspired me to go, bless her and come
As per the Holy Spirit’s consent,
I went; prayed-over her and then the precious Blood of Jesus began to work
against this evil and sickness. After few hours, she became conscious and
doctors regained hope. Soon she was discharged within few days!! Alleluia!!
Praise the Lord!!
People often confess and pray
that “Jesus the Son of God, who died for our sins” even without realizing the
deep value of it.
Do we really mean it?
IN 2 Cor. 4:13, Paul states that
“I spoke because I believed.”
We have to believe deeply in the
sacrifice. Jesus already made the sacrifice and shed the blood. When we
strongly believe then we can speak about it to God in prayer. There is no
magical formula other than having faith in Christ Jesus. Alleluia!!
The heights of our misfortunes
are not reducing but are increasing immeasurably. By my own experience I can
suggest few words which are easy and apt for daily life.
Eternal Father tells us to make
use of all the benefits of the Cross of Jesus Christ to defeat your enemy to gain protection, access, forgiveness,
security in God’s grace, redemption, reconciliation, cleansing and
sanctification and dwelling in God’s presence in Victory. Alleluia!
How often we forget the great
love and care of God!
Let us surrender ourselves to our
Heavenly Father who is the Holy Provider and pray:
I surrender my body and mind to
you. O Lord! Cover me with your Precious Blood. I believe there is mighty power
and protection in your blood. Cover my life partner, my children, my home, my
vehicle, my cabin etc. and people around me. Let everyone be covered in your
blood which is against all evil. Thank
You Jesus!
I trust in Your name and Power.
Praise You! Adore You in union with Mother of Protectors and all the angels and
St. Michael. Pray for me my guardian dear in Jesus name I pray to my Father in Heaven.
It is wise to keep in mind that
God supplies and it is the work of the human beings to fulfill and obtain the
fruits. God’s grace provides all the
tools for our grand victory but the wisdom from the Word of God and obedience
to the Holy Spirit helps us to apply the appropriate tools through our believing
The Word and the Blood work
together. When the anointed person says
the Blood of Jesus works. Praise the
When you apply the Blood of Jesus,
God’s power descends alive and to act. Amen!
Satan makes every attempt to
distract and evil disrupt in every act of
service, but the presence of unusual power of Lord accompanies and performs
miracles to glorify God above. Praise the Lord.
Testimonies to glorify the Power
of Lord Jesus’ Precious blood
While the whole crowd was lifting
their hands and praising God as a family, I saw an unbelievable sight that the
precious Blood dripping drop by drop from the Holy Wound of Lord Jesus. At the
same time, respected Sister announced that “Lord is purifying and protecting all
of you and the ground you stand by Jesus’ Holy Blood.”
could I not proclaim God’s mercy and love granted to me by this mighty vision?
O Jesus! I will proclaim your divine mercy forever! Amen!
in Feb 1995 Issue- LWE 2000
In the month of Oct 1995, functioning
of my tear glands had ceased. In this serious condition, artificial tears and
many lubricant oils were applied. Due to this sickness, generally the cornea of
the eye dries up and in most cases sight will be lost. Powerful medicines and
famous doctors in entire Bombay had given up on me. All that I had refuge was
in a bottle of eye drops from Belgium. Throughout the day, I would seek help
and at night I called to the Lord with eyes devoid of tears. Jesus the good Shepherd of His sheep showed
the path Himself and came to me as the way. He led me to the KLWC, and as
Sister’s faithful hand touched my head, she said, “God is replacing your tear
glands with His Blood.” Suddenly, the eyes which had no tears for the past 4
months, filled and flowed in streams through my cheeks. Thanks be to God! I had
the experience of being saved from the depth of death. In a manner that
astonished the doctors too, the Lord healed and made me His witness. I offer
thousands of praises! Also from the past 4 years, I could neither twist nor turn
my neck nor could I lift my hands due to severe pain in the neck. All medical aids
were temporary. Through the prayer service held on 9th March 1996, I
received total healing from this trouble. To make my faith firm footed, the
Lord has showered numerous spiritual blessings in me. Beneath the right ear,
there was a small lump. By revealing the sickness, Lord showered healing into
me. The lump had totally disappeared. My Lord, My God! Forever I shall proclaim
Your Glory. You are great and patient and abounding in love. Amen
in April 1996 Issue- LWE 2000
be continued)
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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"