Wednesday, 15 July 2015

A CALL TO Repentance

The Holy Bible says, “When anyone is joined to Christ, he is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come.” (2 Cor. 5:17)

In the beginning, God created the universe, and He looked at everything He had made and He was very pleased.                                              (Genesis 1:1-31)

Then a war broke out in Heaven. Michael and His Angels fought against the dragon that disobeyed and dishonored God. The dragon was defeated. He and his companions lost their place in heaven and were not allowed in any longer.

The huge dragon was thrown out (i.e.) ancient serpent called the devil or satan that deceived the whole world. (Rev 12)

“The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy.”  (John 10:10)

That’s how the vices entered the world and it has become the pathetic state, as what it is today. Disobedience, grudge, hatred and all evil some seeped into the human race.

“Because those people refuse to keep in mind the true knowledge about God, He has given them over to corrupted minds, so that they do the things that they should not do. They are filled with all kinds of wickedness, evil, greed and vice; they are full of jealousy, murder, fighting, deceit and malice. They gossip and speak evil of one another; they are hateful to God, insolent, proud and boastful; they think of more ways to do evil; they disobey their parents; they have no conscience; they do not keep their promises, and they show no kindness or pity for others. They know that God’s law says that people who live in this way deserve death. Yet, not only do they continue to do these very things, but they even approve of others who do them.” (Romans 1: 28-32)

The above scripture from the Holy Bible shows us a clear picture of the ancient, diseased world that did not have the knowledge of Lord Jesus the Savior. If this is how the Holy Bible described the ancient world, how do we describe the current state of this world?

Media and our environment draws a image of the world we live in and we can definitely call it as much more dreaded and diseased place which rejects the Savior Jesus Christ and His plan of Salvation.

God created Man with perfect health and divine loving form in unique relation with soul, mind and body.

But today, it’s sad to mention that he is living as a deadly creature merely enslaved to the deceased world.

Can we please turn our ears to the universe? You and I can hear a groaning voice of the world. Yes, the world is groaning…… she is wounded, weak; her heart is bursting and breaking with pus pouring wounds all over. Her skin all eaten up and cannot resist anymore.

Still her pride announces, “I am smart enough. I can destroy and kill all the truth holders.”  She is still challenging. Her pride and ego goes before her deepest fall.

This is the state of the deadly dragon today.

The one who believes in Lord Jesus and sacrifices his life for The Lord are accounted as weak and foolish in the eyes of the world.

It is correctly mentioned in the Holy Bible that God purposely chose the weak and common people for Him.

 “God purposely chose what the world considers nonsense in order to shame the wise and he chose what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful. He chose what the world looks down on and despises and thinks is nothing, in order to destroy what the world thinks is important. (1 Cor. 1:27-28)

“Someone is shouting in the desert: Get the road ready for the Lord; make a straight path for him to travel! Every valley must be filled up, every hill and mountain leveled off. The winding roads must be made straight, and the rough paths made smooth. All mankind will see God’s salvation!”  (Luke 3: 4-6)

Since we ourselves brought the present condition of our life, the Holy Bible says, “Just as you were the one determined to turn away from God, now turn back and serve Him with ten times more determination.” (Baruch)
The one who brought these calamities upon you will rescue and bring you everlasting joy.
So let us prepare the way for the King and make a humble and contrite heart to obey and live in Him as per His Way.

 The Way is none other than REPENTANCE.

This gift from God is truly the work of the Holy Spirit. Though we turned back from the Lord, He is still ready to assist us. When we take the name of the eternal God and praise Him, we are filled with His Loving Kindness.

The kindness and compassion from the Holy Spirit takes us to the way, to examine our conscience before the Lord. The Divine Spirit inspires us to humble ourselves so as to lead us to the grace of repentance, by pleading for forgiveness along with us.

This enables Lord Jesus to act quickly to bring changes in our life, which is impossible for us to do without his Divine help.

We are unable to see the objects and dust in a room unless there is light. Similarly, this is what happens. We are unable to see the engulfed darkness of our heart unless we let in the ray of God’s light in it.

“Let there be light and then light appeared.” Alleluia

With this light God was pleased and he separated the light from the darkness. And with is light we can see the misery of our heart.

Let’s peep through our heart.

Whoever has tasted the eternal Love of God gets the grace to evaluate their life.

The one who is anointed by God’s Love prefers, as the Holy Bible mentions,
“He preferred to suffer with God’s people rather than to enjoy sin for a little while.” (Heb. 11:25)

Though the above phrase refers to Prophet Moses, it’s applicable to us too.

The selfishness and self centered method of life due to pride, to win the race you are after for fame and acceptance, neglecting and refusing God’s care and protection, as well as, disgracing and hurting God gifted well wishers,  brings its side effects in our life. We are soaked in numerous misfortunes, various illness, loneliness, self hatred, tiresome life, tremendous floating fears, insomnia, restlessness, stomach issues etc.and mental depression.

I too once lead a life measured  by the commandments. I was regular in my prayers and duties towards God. Since I did not trouble anyone there was no enemies, had no interest in gossips and made sure that grudge had no place in my heart. I was aware and fulfilled the duties towards my family, neighbors and relatives accordingly. Externally and Internally, I was free from sin against God and my people.

When my spinal bones were weak and decaying, I was advised bed rest. Medical report words were regurgitating. The last straw of hope of my future too was eaten up when I was insisted that a breakdown may happen anytime.

Those bedridden moments of pain and hopelessness were finely tuned by God into self examination moments. When the light of the Holy Spirit showered abundantly in me, I realized that my heart was full of cobwebs, which had to be cleaned thoroughly. The divine light toured me to every nook and corner of my heart, valley, mountains thorns and bushes and the rough and tough roads. I had loved my God as per the commandments but failed to realize that in every small sadness, anxieties, fear and worries made the Lord in me weak and I mistrust Him. Expecting the visit of my relatives during my crushed moments, and being disappointed, I filed numerous complaints to Lord in my mind against them, forgetting that it was His will to build me in His Plan. I was drawn into common fears, anxiety regarding the future of my two daughters, again forgetting that God has gifted me with the spirit of courage and that He is the provider of my life.

I realized that I had sinned truly against my God, myself and others. I began to confess that I am a great sinner and I had to out-rid it. 

Thus when I sat and meditated the love of God, He poured out His love to me and made me clean and granted me a new heart and life.

                                                                                    (TO BE CONTINUED)

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