Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The Holy Bible says, “Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do.”  (Matthew 7:21)

During various public outreaches, our ministry comes across parents who after tasting the goodness of the Lord, wish to dedicate their children in the Lord’s service.  They come with much enthusiasm pulling the child, detailing his/ her attitudes and wish that the child will see the heights of progress in this world. As long as God’s plan aligns to that of the parents; everything goes smooth. But when His plans vary; it becomes unacceptable to them. The same hands that dedicated the young ones, snatch them from the ministry. If at all God increases the speed of the wind; and the waves enter the ship, these parents will act immediately as the lifeboats to save their children from the service of God, forgetting their commitment.

Taking the name of the supreme God and promising Him is a common act that is carried out casually without realizing the consequences. The Sovereign God through His holy commandment warns, “Do not use My name for evil purposes; for I the Lord your God will punish anyone who misuses My Name.” (Exodus 20:7)
Do you know truly the God whose name you utter so often in vain? In a Holy vision the prophet Isaiah describes the Lord whom He saw, “I saw the Lord. He was sitting on His throne, high and exalted, and His robe filled the Temple. Round Him flaming creatures were standing, each had six wings.  Each creature covered its face with two wings, and its body with two, and used the other two for flying.  They were calling out to each other: ‘Holy! Holy! Holy! The Lord Almighty is holy!  His glory fills the world.’  The sound of their voices made the foundation of the Temple shake, and the Temple itself was filled with smoke.”  (Isaiah 6) The height of your ignorance makes you blind and deaf towards the truth and existence of God. Those habits that once began casually, becomes the part and parcel of Your daily life; leading you to absurd character. The power of the world is continuously striving and becoming successful in its efforts to keep you busy and exhausted with no time to worship and honour the Lord and ultimately skipping it. To gain wisdom in abundance, one must practice the Lord’s law. It educates us about the qualities of loyalty and humility which are essential to have reverence to God and brings fortune and success to those who respect God. During the Sermon on the Mount, Lord Jesus explained to the crowd the meaning of the Holy Law and its importance. During that discourse He reminded them, “...do not use any vow when you make a promise. Don’t swear by heaven, for it is God’s throne; nor by earth, for it is the resting place for His feet; nor by Jerusalem, for it is city of the great King. Do not even swear by your head, because you cannot make a single hair white or black.” (Matthew 5:33-36)

Let us not arrogantly, brush off this advice thinking, “Nothing happened so far; in spite of me doing this from ages. It is not just me but many others too who do this..” The important matter is that this practice is disrespectful to your Holy God and it brings disgrace to Him and to you all the while you are unaware of its consequences. In God’s sight it is evil and dishonorable when people say, “I swear by God’s name........’ or ‘I take oath in God’s name that......’” for the Holy Bible instructs, “Just say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ –anything else you say comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:37) Our Lord Jesus clarifies that these actions are a clear trap set by the devil to trick you into disobeying your Lord. You may not be aware of the serious plans the evil one has to defame the Creator using His own creation. Such matters though minute have a great effect on spirituality and robs you off your blessings.

I had been invited to meet a group- that comprised of all ages and majority of the host were Christians. Bringing me to attentiveness about the people around, I was embarrassed to realize how many times casually the name of ‘Jesus’ popped up in their conversations.  Discussions began or ended with ‘O My God…. O Lord I am sorry….. I swear by God…….. I promise you Lord…… In Jesus Name I do…..etc, etc.’ Not an irony but I observed that anxiety, worries, mistrust, pride, confusion, miscommunication overspread there quickly. When your heart is not aware what your lips say or if your brain is naive to what the hands does; its a sign that you are under the control of other forces. As days pass these hearts slowly hardens against the mercy and wonder works of God and dependence on God also vanishes.

I take this opportunity to remind you that misusing the Name of God is against His commandments. Let us not harden our hearts by disrespecting, misusing or abusing the Most Holy and adorable Name of our God, during this short pilgrim journey. Refrain soon from these unholy practices that can steal your faith and fear of God, instead try to live a penitent life.
The Sovereign Lord, through the Book of Deuteronomy, says to us, “When you make a vow to the Lord your God, do not put off doing what you promised, the Lord will hold you to your vow and it is a sin not to keep it.”  (Chapter 23 : 21)
Various acts of your daily life can imprison you to disobedience of God. Remember that God has not asked you to take His Name in promise; but it is your human nature that has trapped you. When intentions are not favourable to fulfilling what you have promised; these will lead to harder situations. Dear ones, examine yourself, pray to the Holy Spirit, your constant Helper to be with you in times of distress; patiently and constantly communicate your desires with the Blessed Trinity. May be it is God’s will to blossom you into a good intercessor for many than fade away making unfulfilled promises; He may have found you worthy to be obedient to Him in your suffering  for the salvation of you, your family and neighbours. It would be His wish that you practice forgiveness and offer a good consoling smile to your enemies. Our God is a provider, who would not hold back from fulfilling your needs; let us learn to imitate Him. Think twice, thrice or ample numbers of times before you make a promise to God. Be wise enough to crush and squeeze the plan of the wicked, cruel devil. Keep up the dignity of your Sovereign Lord. May the Almighty and Living God of KLWC grant you the grace to fulfil your pending promises as early as possible; to gain freedom from the Lord’s punishment. I aspire you to spend time in reading the Holy Bible loudly in your room /home as a penance of delayed vows. Certain debts and delayed issues can be cleared by this penance.

O Most Sovereign Lord our God, May your glorious holy name be held in most honour and highest reverence forever and ever.
May Your Name be honoured and worshiped in the dome of the heavens.
May Your splendour brighten the whole earth.
May Your honour and praises fill the presence in our families. Amen.

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"