Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The Holy Bible says, “….Israel’s Holy God is great, and He lives among His people.”  (Isaiah 12:8)

Our daily life is buzzing with so many activities and filled with priorities to fulfil before the day ends and we fail to ponder over our blessings or to spend some time with our loving Saviour. We fail to understand the necessity of our Lord’s presence in our busy schedules. Lord Jesus too worked constantly, yet He made it clear on various instances that His prime priority was to meet the Father and fulfil His desire. In every crowd, His eyes searched for the neediest, afflicted ones and His heart yearned to set them free in order to honour God His Father. Aware of the emotion’s that ruled the heart’s of the poor, Lord Jesus moved with compassion to make them happy. His enemies were tight lipped by his wise teachings.

Let us take the instance when Lord Jesus was invited to a leading Pharisee’s home for a meal. The crowd gathered were busy merry- making, while our Lord was seated in the centre. The plan of God for His Son to be there, was to set free a man who was seated far in a corner, with his body swollen and heart filled with the bitter pain of loneliness. Lord Jesus gazed into the man’s heart; He healed him with just a consoling pat and sent him away. “Do not be worried and upset! I am your true friend and refuge. Go in peace!” The divine Lord’s look exchanged silent words of reassurance with the troubled heart conveying comfort and happiness. Lord Jesus calls all of us to His side to draw our share of joy, peace and love of the Father which are the true essence to survive on this earth; the fruits of its goodness and be the share of true eternal life. We are all created to be happy. We often ask our loved ones what they desire as a gift over our preferred choices; so that it is useful to them.  It is indeed truly heart touching to see our Lord Jesus in the last day of His mission with a profound departure pain encouraging His disciples, saying, “Until now you have not asked for anything in My Name; ask and you will receive, so that your happiness may be complete.” (John 16:24); Lord Jesus observed that they did not respond to Him.

Yes dear readers, sometimes owing to our inner confusion, we fail to understand other’s emotions. We may pray fervently but there are times when we don’t know what to pray for. Lord Jesus, who knows every human heart says to us, “Be still, know that I am your God.” He comforts us in our miserable and pitiable state. After being seated at the right side of the Father, He continues His work saying, “Listen, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into His house and eat with Him and He will eat with Me.”  (Revelation 19:20) We, too in this earthly life, must have come across situations when we were made to wait after knocking; its instances like these that make us impatient and irritated; and we almost consider the waiting more of a nuisance. But look at our Lord! Untiringly Lord Jesus waits near the door of every human heart for a response. He is knocking continuously to enter into your life, invite you to sit near Him and to share all that is in your life; to brighten up your bitterness, furthermore to comfort and hug you. He wants to help you to live and be victorious enough to achieve the prize. St. Paul teaches us that this is the time to run the best of your race. He said, “I have done my best in the race.  I have run the full distance and I have kept the faith and now there is waiting for me the victory prize of being put right with God, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that Day.” (2 Timothy 4:7-8)
(to be continued..)

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you.May the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"