The Holy Bible says,
“The law of the Lord is perfect; it gives new strength.” (Psalms 19: 7)
Daniel a noble, intelligent and
specially blessed young man by God to interpret visions and dreams was
appointed during the reign of King Darius to supervise the governors and to manage
the king’s interests. His outstanding reliability and honesty was a cause of
concern for the other governors and supervisors who would be jealous and look
out for ways to corner Daniel; who was trustworthy, pious and consistent in his
worship to the true living God three times a day. They decided to trap him
through his religion and so requested the king to send a decree that no one
would be permitted to worship their god except His Majesty; and whoever violates
this law would be thrown into a pit filled with lions.
Daniel respected the king but never compromised
with the Law of True Living God. He knelt down at his open window and prayed as
always. His enemy’s watchful eyes caught him and they accused Daniel before the
king for violating His Majesty’s order. Though the King had empathy towards
Daniel; yet he was helpless before his own decree and gave permission to throw
Daniel into the pit filled with hungry lions, pronouncing, “Daniel, may your
God, whom you serve so loyally rescue you.” The next dawn, the king hurried to
the pit and found that Daniel was safe; he was overjoyed when the pious young
man answered, “God sent his angel to shut the mouths of lions so that they
would not hurt me. He did this because
he knew that I was innocent and because I have not wronged you, your majesty.”
Dear readers, is the Lord whom you
worship capable to save you? Daniel proved his faithfulness and obedience to
his God and His Law and God rewarded His faithful by rescuing him from the
mouth of the lions. The Lord our Living God, at Mount Sinai made a covenant not
only for our forefathers but also for all those living today. “Worship no God
but Me”, God explained, “not to make any images of anything and do not bow down
to any idols or worship it.” Daniel was well aware of the dangers that awaited
him on his disobedience to the king’s order, yet he was not fearful of the
punishment and was ready to die rather than disobey His faithful God. Our existing
world is a damaged one- where dangers await every moment; yet we are sluggish
towards our approach to God who alone can save us. How ashamed are we at times
to utter our faith explicitly!
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Daniel in the lion's pit well guarded by Sovereign God |
Dear readers, with a true sense, break
off all the deceitful chains and release yourself. Be bold enough to fast from all
your idol worship to please your friends, boss or family members, superiors or
anyone who follow such acts. Let us pray to God on their behalf for a way to
open their inner eyes to the truth. Let us also abstain from sin and its
consequences for disobeying the first Law of loving God. We , mankind fast for various
purposes. This Lenten fast actually bridges our ways closer to Lord Jesus; to
make atonement for our sins. Through fasting and abstinence we ought to refrain
from our senseless acts that please just our mortal self and develop a strong
will power to fight against it. These will assist to control the confusion in
our lives and to articulate boldly with a Yes’ or ‘No’ to the circumstances
Never be of the opinion that the
season of Lent is to cry in pain and suffering of Christ Jesus; instead create
a new loving and loyal heart towards Jesus Christ and to others. May this Lenten
journey assist us in repairing the broken bricks and cracks of our family relations.
For the sake of Christ Jesus who died for you and me, accept your life partner
as he or she is because Christ agreed to die for your salvation when you were a
sinner. He allowed to wound His soul and body for every human.
Hence, Lent is the observant time to
wash His Holy wounds, apply ointment and bandage it. Could you be successful in
applying medicine to atleast to one wound of your beloved Saviour? Dear ones,
if you abstain from this holy deed who else would adhere to it? We, His beloved
are only there for Jesus Christ.
Remembering our Lord Jesus’ quote-
that whatever we do for the least; we do it for Him let us see our Lord in each
of our family member let us accept them as they are. Blessed are those who
cried out with Lord Jesus; Veronica who took courage to wipe the face of the
wounded Lord amidst His accusers; Simon of Cyrene who got an opportunity to
help Lord Jesus to carry the cross;
Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimethia who could do the last rites of Lord
Jesus; His disciple John who stood at
the Holy feet of the cross accepting Mother Mary as his own mother, and comforted
her. Yes dear loved ones in Christ, we are also highly blessed if you could see
Jesus in those who are wounded, bitterly crying, carrying heavy loads and dying
spiritually, abandoned parents, children, wives, husbands, etc. You may be one
among them if you accept your family unconditionally. He says to you, “I will send my saving grace
to those who observe my command truly.”
Do not falter in His commandment; never bend the Lord’s command nor add
to it. Let it always be a ‘Yes’ to the
Temptations come to remind that we are
humans; it is not a sin. We can overcome it by turning our gaze to Jesus our
Master, who overcame all the temptations of the world victoriously and taught
us to pray at all times in mind “Lead us not to temptations, but deliver us, O
Temptations are like spider, which
makes webs in our houses. If we allow
them, they make the webs everywhere and create troubles. So we need to remove it on a regular
basis. So also if we allow temptations
to take place in our heart and fall into it, accordingly we have to suffer the
consequences. But if we overcome it, we
promote to more spiritual maturity by avoiding sin. So do not worry about your fear of
temptations, but strive to overcome it by using the above-said methods.
During this Lent let us concentrate on
reunion of our family unity by
correcting self; believing that Lord my Saviour died for me, to teach me to
accept and love one another. God gave us
this life and relationships to sustain them through Him. Therefore He has the
means to maintain those relationships because He generously gave us such a
precious gift - ‘Salvation made possible to us’. You can surely trust Him for
your present intention. So do not be
worried about the past or future, be still on present, strive for the
betterment in union with Christ Jesus.
Let your God be the origin of all creation, the invisible spiritual God
always inspires to love Him, yourself and others. But worship only Him. One step ahead bring back the abandoned ones
from your family – you may have forgotten to have connection with certain
people whom God gifted in your life – it can be the hindrance to your health
and prosperity, it can also break the chord of your parent –children relation. Strive to become a transformed person and experience
a deeper sense that life is safer and secure with Jesus Christ. Never be afraid of crowds or trials of daily
life, but like Daniel with a strong will power, deep insight foreview the power
of the Living Lord, who can rescue from all disasters and adversity. He will
rule forever and His Kingdom will never be destroyed. His power will never come to an end; He is
the One who can save and rescue you. He
can perform wonders and miracles in heaven and on earth. Halleluiah!
Dear readers, fear and respect
Him. He will honour you. King Darius gave orders to arrest all the men
who had accused Daniel and they were thrown together with their wives and
children into the pit filled with lions and before they reached the bottom of
the pit, the lions pounced on them and broke off all their bones. The Lord of Daniel says, “My love for you is
too strong.” “Don’t think that the Lord
is too weak to save you or too deaf to hear your call for help.” (Isaiah 59:1)
The kind of fasting the Lord wants is
this: Remove the chains of oppression
and the yoke of injustice, and let the oppressed go free. Share your food with the hungry, open your
homes for the homeless poor. Give
clothes to those who have nothing to wear and do not refuse to help your own
relatives. Dear devotees of Christ, God do not ask you to buy the Kingdom of
God by merely spending your currency. He
does not need your money and great sacrifices.
If you try to put an end to oppression, to every gesture of contempt, to
every evil word and satisfy those who are in need, then the darkness around you
will turn to the brightness of noon. He
will keep you strong and well to rebuild the ruined walls of your houses.
May the Lord bless
you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look
on you with favour and give you peace.
With love filled blessings,
Your Sister in Christ
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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"