The Holy Bible says,"You, Lord, are my light. You dispel my
darkness." (2 Samuel.22:2)
God created the universe, the desolate earth and the raging ocean were engulfed
in darkness. The light appeared when He, who is the Source of Light commanded.
He reformed the world by setting the sun in the sky. When Sovereign God ordered
Moses to lead His people, who were enslaved in darkness, the Holy God Himself went
in the front as a pillar of cloud to show them the way; and as a pillar of
light to give them light during the night. (Exodus 13:21) Moses face was
radiant when he would descend from Mount Sinai - for the reason that he had
been worthy to stand in the dazzling light of His Holy Presence; and Aaron and
all the people were afraid to go near him. The Eternal Light, exist over the
world bringing in brightness and clarity on each object; His burning and
shining light eradicates us from darkness and its dangers.
God in His utmost Love, always yearned that His people would live in His Light and
Glory through their obedience to Him. Unfortunately man in his arrogance,
envious, self-centered nature chose to swim against God’s Divine Plans and initiated
making god and goddess out of metal, rock wood etc., of their liking and
worshipped them. Supreme God in His patience- chose not to punish man for his
fall and failure; instead He chose certain faithful ones, filled fire of love
in their hearts and sent them out as His prophets to warn and bring back those
gone astray to His Abundant Light. But regrettably, man still cherished
darkness over Infinite Light. Prophet Isaiah, before the birth of Jesus Christ
foretold that ‘a great light would shine upon the land. The land of the tribes
of Zebulun and Naphtali, even Galilee,
the people who lived in darkness have seen a great light.” (Isaiah 9:3)
In respect to the above prophesy, God in His chosen time, send His beloved Son
for public mission to save His populace from darkness. To announce the arrival
of His One and only Son and to prepare the self-centered people, Loving Father chose John the Baptist as a lamp
stand. The birth of Jesus Christ brought a new hope of light into the shadowy
world. The Everlasting Light came to the world, shining brightly on all
mankind. The Word was light and it penetrated deep into the darkness; revealing
the true nature of it. Jesus said to those around Him enveloped in gloom, “I am
the Light of the of the world, whoever follows Me will have the light of life
and will never walk in the darkness.” (John 8:12)
within one’s self imposed restrictions becomes monotonous; break these
boundaries and life never fails to surprise us and in the whole journey we gain
a memory to honor His Grace for lifetime. In my Spiritual Life, it has always
been a priority to spread the message of God’s Salvation and carry this flame
of enlightenment to kindle it in the darkest of the dark corners of the world.
A brother who attended Prayer Meeting at our centre and received various
blessings; approached in request to conduct prayer at a rarely used church. Now this
church constructed on a steep hill top; was build on a plot which was on
dispute and it was yet to be get the benefits a parish would be endowed with.
Seeing his hunger to be a lamp stand to those around him; we sought to God and
replied to him positively. On the day of the service, we reached the church
after treading the path between the bushes that had been paved by many footsteps
that traveled earlier. As informed earlier by the brother, the church was
locked, the prayer would be conducted in the outskirts of the church. Absence
of electricity or an awning was overseen in the unexpected huge crowd that had
gathered to partake on such a short notice. The prayer began at the allocated 3
PM. Our Creator who controls the entire universe commanded the sun’s scorching
rays to withdraw and the winds to provide a pleasant and cool breeze. The crowd
comprised of people who were unaware of Charismatic Prayer Meetings and many
who would not consent to anyone including priests to place their hands over
them to pray. The Preaching on God’s Love, second coming of our Lord and rising
of Lazarus from death created an aura of faith and infused hope into their dark
life. The outpouring of healing, deliverance and blessings were beyond the human grasp and the Word of God touched everyone including the children.
Through God’s power bestowed everyone who heard the Word was anointed by
the Holy Spirit; His Light shone on everyone banishing internal darkness of
actions, thoughts and went on to receive a pray over. Time passed too quickly
and it was getting dark; we were yet to reach the bottom. Now with the presence
of His Divine Light the people were rid off the fear of travelling in the
forest and now they acknowledged that they are light of the hill. we all
lighted candles to see in the dark. It was a larger-than-life moment to witness
God’s caring Love that encircled each one personally. The breeze that blew at
His command made sure to obey its Creator to refresh us and not to blow off our
candles. Praising and Thanking God who abide with us we reached to the bottom
of the hill; marking this occasion as memorable day. No words can suffice to
extend our gratitude to the Everlasting Light who was so generous towards His
children and the splendor His Presence brightened our outer eyes too. When you
believe and confess your faith in all crucial situations; however strong the
storm of darkness may blow; His Everlasting Light will guard our light from
blowing off.
the beginning of His public ministry, He
opened the eyes of a man born blind. Answering to His disciple’s question to
the cause of the man’s blindness Jesus answers, “…… I am the light for the
world.” (John 9:5) Similarly, Jesus said to His disciples, “You are the light
for the whole world,” by quoting this Jesus stipulates that they be like Him.
(Matthew 5:14) Light has many qualities; it can be seen and attracted to;
dispels darkness; illuminates the path impeding us from taking the wrong step.
Light has the power to warm people and places swathed in cold and despair. When
the disciples were sailing their boat on a dark and stormy night; their boat
tossed about by the waves as a strong wind was blowing against it; they were
mislead and frightened. They saw something ahead and got terrified; But as soon
as Jesus came near to them they recognized Him. Yes dear ones, the light shows
our ways clearly. Every disciple of Christ is called to give light to those in
the dark and impart love to the lovelorn; kind to the unkind; hope to the
hopeless and to show the way to those who lost their way to the Father.
(To be continued)
May the Lord bless
you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look
on you with favor and give you peace.
With love filled
Your Sister in
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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"