Tuesday, 2 February 2016


The Holy Bible says, “….he dug the soil and cleared it of stones; he planted the finest vines. He built a tower to guard them, dug a pit for treading the grapes.”(Isaiah 5:2)

A landowner beautifully landscaped his land, planted a vineyard and wine press and for protection from thieves built a watchtower.

Infinite centuries passed and our Lord Jesus referred to the song of the vineyard from the Book of Prophet Isaiah and altered it into a parable. Palestine in that ancient era was a war torn country. The landowners would live far away renting out their vineyards. When Lord Jesus narrated the parable He substituted the role of landowner to the Supreme God; the beautiful vineyard to the Jewish nation; the tenants are those whom God entrusted his vineyard i.e the elders of the people. God in His utmost patience, sent umpteen numbers of prophets who would advice and warn them to turn away from their rebellious ways and disobedience; but these prophets would be ill treated and killed. As a final chance, Sovereign God sends His own beloved Son, Jesus Christ with the message of Salvation. Again the superior authorities made arrangements to plot against Lord Jesus and they led Him outside the city of Jerusalem, as their ritual practice to crucify Him. After narrating the parable Lord Jesus asked the public their opinion on what would the landowner do with the evil tenants? At once in one voice they answered that the owner would certainly kill those evil men and let out the vineyard to other trusted tenants who will be capable to give him his share of the harvest. (Matthew 21:41)

The public misinterpreted that Lord Jesus was referring to the Romans who were wrecking the Holy Land. But Lord was referring to the leaders of Israel who rejected Him like the stone which the builders discarded as worthless however which turned out to be the most important stone. Examine the trust that God has in us; it is so deep that He entrusted His kingdom to us; A great privilege and responsibility for us, the people of God. Every creation and occupation has a sense of duty towards nature and God’s creation. Take the instance of the sun that is at task to provide light during the day or the moon and its accompanying stars that necessitate brightness at night. Similarly, the obligation of a person living for Christ is to convey Christ’s Kingdom into this world. We do merely not inhabit this world to add up to the pollution and asphyxiate other creations but to bear good fruit and share its sweetness to all earth’s inhabitants. Jesus said to us you are the Light of the world; unless those who live in the light share its illumination with people in darkness then only will they acknowledge their gloominess. Once they are aware of the blissful life in His Divine Light then they will eradicate their useless struggles.

Almighty God our Father, for long crucial years patiently tolerated the people of Israel and bore all their murmurs and iniquities to bring them out of slavery. The everlasting patience of God, Jesus Christ and the enormous endurance of their followers are valuable lessons to us on how to be sincere and faithful to our responsibilities in service. Jesus concluded by warning us to be faithful towards God and to self; otherwise our inheritance would be snatched off and handed over to those who are more hardworking, sincere and faithful. Whoever rejects Lord Jesus, the Son of God and His divine messages will be punished like Saul. When King Saul rejected God, his kingdom was handed over to David. God took away the Kingdom from the hands of Jews and established it with the Gentiles who were ready to produce good fruit. The Almighty God desires that we, His children remain fruitful instead of running after popularity and vast success of this passing world.

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"