Tuesday, 16 February 2016


There in the furnace the three young men again started singing together in praise of God:

“We praise you, O Lord, the God of our ancestors.
May your glorious, holy name
be held in honour and reverence for ever.
May hymns be sung to your glory for ever
and may your holy presence be praised in that temple,
where you sit on your heavenly throne
above the winged creatures
and look down to the world of the dead.
May you be praised and honoured for ever.
May you be praised as you sit on your royal throne.
May hymns be sung to your glory forever.
May you be praised in the dome of the heavens.
May hymns be sung to your glory forever.

“Praise the Lord, all creation;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, skies above;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, all angels of the Lord;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, all waters above the sky;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, all heavenly powers;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, sun and moon;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, stars of heaven;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, rain and dew;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, all winds;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, fire and heat;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, bitter cold and scorching heat;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, dews and snows;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, nights and days;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, daylight and darkness;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, ice and cold;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, frost and snow;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, lightning and storm clouds;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.

“Let the earth praise the Lord;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, mountains and hills;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, everything that grows;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, lakes and rivers;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, springs of water;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, whales and sea creatures;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, all birds;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, all cattle and wild animals;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.

“Praise the Lord, all the people on earth;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, people of Israel;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, priests of the Lord;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, servants of the Lord;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, all faithful people;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, all who are humble and holy;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
Praise the Lord, Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael;
sing His praise and honour Him for ever.
He rescued us from the world of the dead
and saved us from the power of death.
He brought us out from the burning furnace
and saved us from the fire.
Give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good and His mercy lasts for ever.
Praise the Lord, all who worship Him;
sing praise to the God of gods and give Him thanks,
for His mercy lasts for ever.”

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"