Friday, 19 February 2016



The Holy Bible says, “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done. (Psalms 9:1)


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The pray over and the relaxation experienced urged me to revisit; but hesitance obstructed. After a couple of days opportunity knocked in the form of few youth from the ministry, who approached my friend, a guitarist to play for an special occasion and he in turn approached me. The heart whispered a ‘yes’- and lips replied the same. In spite, being a moody person; who has often opted out at the last moment- I participated with sheer enthusiasm in the practice of charismatic hymns recitals; music that was totally new to the ears. It was the beginning of my musical journey with KLWC.

Each Saturday, being one among the multitude that gathered faithfully at the centre; everything seemed new. Regular attendance made me a part of His mission and to enjoy the revival spirit; that eradicated any hesitancy from following the instructions. The prayer service was very unique and during the preaching Section; the Word of God discoursed would wash off the stains of ignorance and be as if said solely for each individual present. Praise be to God! Introvert as I am, voluntarily began to mingle with the service ministry and enjoyed any small tasks that were accessible. Their approach and outlook towards each other made me feel belonging and welcome and I would look forward for the upcoming service. 

During one such outreach our Spiritual Teacher explained about God’s Love and the powerful Word of God penetrated deep into the pillars of my heart thoroughly shaking it. “Even if a mother should forget her child, I will never forget you.” (Isaiah 49:15) Now, in the furnace of these comforting words melted away the impurities-the pain of losing dad, childhood sorrows, hurt feelings, burdens, the adolescent changes.. God’s reassuring love that He would stand by me in all circumstances; without ever taking His divine eyes from me and the Love that flows from Him is so strong that nothing can obstruct it. These realization medicated enough to ask God for forgiveness, to receive inner healing, forgive others unconditionally including all those the Lord brought to mind and to accept myself. The reassuring Word of God that He has a plan for me even though I did not have one gave me great comfort and security. “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
The Word of God preached at KLWC made me conscious about God’s Infinite Love and how He could turn all the bad into good in His time.


Gradually the good Lord through our Spiritual Teacher opened the door of invitation to the KLWC music ministry. The practice sessions that would be held in her presence and in the company of other dedicated youth helped in drawing myself closer to the Lord. These devotional songs lifted and assisted in absolute surrender to my Creator; they have been a faithful and trustworthy companion even today.
Yes dear ones, the lips that once sang worldly songs, began to praise the Almighty God. The hands and feet that would clap and tap to the worldly tunes, began to sway to the tunes of the Greatest Musician, Lord Jesus!

I will praise you O God with all my heart: and tell of all the wonderful things you have done. I will sing for joy because of you. I will sing praise to you, almighty God. (Psalms 9:1-2)

Just as Mother Mary led the apostles to receive the Holy Spirit and us to her son Lord Jesus, so did our spiritual Teacher through numerous bible classes, sharing her personal experience, conducting inner healing sessions and through spiritual counseling brought us very close to the Savior. Her anointed prayers and classes for the youth, assisted me to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit and be anointed in the Gift Of Tongues to experience and feel Lord Jesus waiting with open arms and all I had to do was to unlock the door of my heart to Him, share with him all joys and sorrows. . He is the true friend who gave His life and the last breath for us. I can count on him till the very end because He is the only one that suffered and died on Calvary; He didn't let go of the heavy cross till the end, thinking of me. The Holy Spirit received, enabled me to humble myself to worship and adore the Living God for whom Heaven is the throne and earth is his foot stool.
The changes in me were obvious and it was a surprise to family and friends, who found it difficult to digest and turned away. My family that had brought me to the shore of renewal also found it complicated. Dear Readers in Christ, Lord Jesus the giver of courage to the discouraged gave  me the courage to stand for him and to fulfill all responsibilities at work and home in a better way. Though I had no formal technical training Lord Jesus gave me the grace to grasp it and is taking care of all my needs.God of KLWC, Abba Father our daily provider has made available all my necessities since then. I could offer my blooming youth; remain single till date and dedicate the rest of my life at His feet. I am indebted to my spiritual teacher and her family for accepting me as I am. They have sacrificed their personal time and precious life to groom and provide for me time to be with my Lord.

So if you are tired of loneliness, chasing your dreams, weary of running round and round. Pick up all the shattered dreams of your lifeat the feet of Jesus lay them down.
Give them all, give all, give them all to Jesus and He will
certainly remould you for Him.

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