Wednesday, 10 February 2016


The Holy Bible says, “You Lord, are my light. You dispel my darkness (2 Samuel.22:2)


Continued from the earlier part

A follower or devotee of Christ enlightens others by his good works; leading them out from the deepest valley of darkness by a tiny drop of light. Take for instance a ray of light passing through a small hole in a dark room; it highlights the dust particles in the atmosphere. Similarly, the rays of God’s radiant light can discern even the minute defect of our lives. Those who practice sorcery or other dark activities will surely find it hard to accept God’s light as they are enslaved to their darkened master.  When you are constantly in God’s presence reading and memorizing the Holy Word of God, praying, praising and acknowledging His Promises; His power overwhelms you and His Light tends to brighten your day ; making you refreshed. Continuously confess: Jesus, my Lord and Light of my life; this will assist you in chasing the unknown sorrows, fear, anxiety, confusions, anger etc. Allow God’s Light to penetrate through the darkness of every nook and corner of your life and you will witness Sovereign God’s victory over it. Absolutely nothing can overpower the Heavenly Light of our Lord and His grace can walk you through and lead if you truly believe and make an effort for it. The Holy Bible says, “Wake up sleeper and arise from death, Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5:14) This is the only Light that can bring out in you a rich harvest filled with every kind of goodness, righteous and truth. So let us live in hope like people belonging to the light and bring others too out to share in it.

John the Baptist knew that Jesus Christ was the divine light sent by God and so he announced it to the people and his disciples. When Andrew met Lord Jesus he went and told his brother Simon Peter about Him; it was then that Peter went on to meet Lord. Like Andrew, if you can be the lamp that leads others to the Lord; they too will reap bountiful harvest like Peter who was given incharge of the Lord’s sheep i.e God built the church upon him. Converse to someone good about Lord Jesus; encourage and help others by sharing your knowledge about Him. A good work in His name can perform wonders in the coming days. In the entire history of mankind, it is only our Lord Jesus who descended from the heavens to the dark earth to invite sinners to His Light. He said, “I have not come to call respectable people but outcasts.” (Matthew 9:13) He comforts us, “Come to Me all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) He touched and healed the leper (Matthew 8:14);He touched and healed the blind; He allowed the lady who came with great faith to touch His cloak and be cured; He accepted the unholy public making them holy with His presence. He mingled with the rejected and the outcasts; relished a meal with the sinners. He made His Everlasting Light to shine and burn upon them. He sought after the lost in the darkness and on finding, carried them on His shoulders to the Heavenly Father. Wiping out the tears from everyone who approached Him; He comforted those who sought refuge in Him. Look and call out to Him; He is in you and near you. You can hold Him with faith and just a touch gain deliverance. He is the only Lord and your way to Salvation. To comfort the anguish of Martha and Mary; His Life-giving Light delved deep down to the tomb of their only brother; the warmth of His light imparting warmness to Lazarus cold body and granting breathe to his lifelessness. 

So dear ones, if you are in any of the above state or even worse than all the above instances do not lose heart! Taste and see His Divine Power, the Holy Spirit in the form of light and fire. As we begin the solemn observance for the season of Lent that invites us, the believers to forty days of fasting, prayer and alms-giving.
Spend time with God as much as possible in reading the Holy Bible, reciting novenas and Rosary to invoke more spiritual assistance to give up adamant habits that has chained you over the years. Rather than the regular meal skipping practice; we suggest that you follow simplicity in your grooming; refrain from talkativeness and take time for self-assessment ; practice calmness; chase egotism. Resolve to alms-giving when the urge for self indulgence arises and have a grip over mortal luxury memorizing that you are soil and will perish into it.
God is faithful in His promises and will fulfill it in His own time; If you are persistent in your spiritual journey, I assure, you will be made worthy to receive the promises before His time. Experience and keep it on a lamp stand to welcome others. So let us resolve to be a pillar of cloud and fire for the entire world! 

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"