Friday, 12 June 2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                           LORD OF PARDON
            The Lord says, “I will never turn away, anyone who comes to me.” (  Jn.6:37)

 This is the supplication of a man, who has offended God, his Creator.

God is just --- He rewards the good and punishes the wicked. He is also merciful as born out of book of Books and history of mankind.

He has made assurance of pardon to sinners who are repentant. God asked sinners  to be humble and to acknowledge their sins and to be sorry for them. "If  we acknowledge our sins , He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all iniquities." (1 John 1:9)

If we say that we have not sinned, we make God out to be a liar, and His Word is not in us.

We shall not hesitate to seek pardon and mercy of God. We should go to Him, the moment we fall into sin.

"Delay not be converted to the Lord and differ it not from day to day, for His wrath shall come on a sudden." (Eccl 5: 8-9)

God listens to the prayers of a humble penitent sinner.

 "A humble and contrite heart O God! Thou will not despise." (Psalm 50:19)

Be frank to admit your sins and hide them not when you confess them and ask forgiveness for them. 

"He that hides his sin shall not proper, but he that shall confess and forsake them shall obtain mercy." (Prov 28:13)

The Lord Himself spoke of the joy of a pardoned sinner. "There will be joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents more than over ninety-nine, who have no need for repentance." (Luke 15:7)

The Apostles themselves understood the measure to obtain pardon.
"Repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be bloated out." (Acts. 3:19)

Since we all are sinners it is required to approach  the channel of grace of pardon in the Sacrament of Penance. Our Lord Christ after His Resurrection appeared to the Apostles and given them the power to forgive sins. 

"Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you shall forgive, they shall be forgiven and whose sins shall retain, they are retained. (John 20:23)

                                                STORIES OF PARDON

Keep in mind dear ones in Christ, that these stories concern the goodness of our Lord, who is always dispose to forgive, repentant sinners.

Story I
There was  once a man with two children. The younger one went to his father saying, "Father, give me the property that shall belong to me." So then the father divided his possession between the two children and the younger of the two went afar; travelling to another town, where he wasted the possession which he inherited. Famine reigned in that place and the young man suffered so much that he had to get employment in a piggery.The time came, he had to eat even what was offered to the pigs.

In his moments of quiet and contemplation, he began to think about his home. "In my home there is abundant food, while here I am suffering from hunger. It would be better  that I return to my father to ask him forgiveness for my foolishness." And he kept his promise to return to his home. Meeting his father he said," Father, I am not worthy to be called your son because I have  sinned against you and Heaven".
Father was profuse in grant of pardon to his son, who was repentant of his sins.

He even prepared a banquet to celebrate the return of the son who had left him and sinned. The elder son became envious and told his father, "Father, for many years I have stayed with you, serving you but you have not prepared such a banquet as you have offered to my brother. 

The father pacified him saying, "Son, we have to rejoice because your brother had been separated from us and he has now come back to our midst."

The Father in the story is the picture of our Sovereign Lord. The prodigal son is a mirror of man who have sinned against Him. 
A sinner who repents of his sins and goes back to God and promises to live a new life in His grace will obtain pardon for his sins.

Story II
There was a man in Jerusalem about 38 years of age, who was suffering from a scare disease. He was one of the sick who went to the pool of Bethzatha. Many who were deaf, lame, blind and paralytic were waiting for the descent of an angel of  God, who would cure them of their ailments. 

Jesus was passing by and He saw the man down his disease. "Do you want to get cured?" asked Jesus and the answered, "Lord, nobody will help me to go down the pool because I have always been left behind whenever the water moves."

Jesus told him, "Arise and Walk!"

Immediately the sick man stood up and got healed. But it was a Sabbath day --- a day of rest for the Jews. They therefore got mad at Jesus asking the cured man, "Who was it that healed you?"
The same man went to the temple and Jesus met him. The Lord told him," Now you are cured and don't ever sin again for something worse may happen to you."

This story again is one of pardon granted by the Sovereign Lord, to those who admit their weakness and are repentant of their sins.
After being sorry for the sins and obtaining pardon of the Lord, it is wise that the sinner does not go back to the place or occasion of sin.

The Lord is merciful to those who really repent. 

Beads of the Sacred Heart
Soul of Christ, sanctify me
                                                    Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me

Water from the sides of Christ, wash me,
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

Good Jesus, hear me, within Your wounds, hide me 
Suffer me not to be separate from You,
From the Malignant enemy, defend me and
Bid me come to You that with Your Saints  
                              I may praise God for all eternity. Amen. 

Jesus meek and humble of heart
Make my heart unto yours.

Sweet Heart of Jesus, Be my love
Sweet Heart of Mary, Be my salvation. 

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"