Friday, 26 June 2015



The Bible says, “…Therefore what God has joined together, let men not separate.”  (Matt. 19:6)

Books and articles describing family life and included relationships are easily available. But those which are useful in leading these relations of love to improvement and one burning with an attitude of sacrifice, thus imparting greater depths of spirituality in Godly ways are rarely available. I pray in Christ, those who read these words may spread the fragrance of love and purity.

Dear ones in Christ ages have passed since the initial sacred marital life started. The Holy Bible teaches that “God our Father realized that it is not good for man to stay alone and so He made a most appropriate partner for him, out of his own flesh and bones that is woman.” (Gen 2:22)

Thus God the spirit of unity uprooted loneliness and put us together in his unity. Lord appointed first man and woman as husband and wife. So that by taking refuge in Christ and by being filled with God’s Love, they can there after instill that love in one’s life partner.

After filling in the relations, when the spirit of Christ begins to build unity among couples, only then life turns out to be truly harmonious, lyrical and united.
Thus, they can spread and build a wide canopy, perfect and complete this world by partaking in the work of creation. The foundation of matrimonial relationship was thus laid down. The Bible says  “Since this matter comes from the Lord, it’s not for us to speak ill or well about it." God also gave the guidance required for the successes of this relationship. (Genesis 24:50) 

“God was with them.”

In the Gospel, Jesus has given an ideal example portraying of the good of these relationship. The Bible describes both the wise one who built his house by digging deep on strong rock and also the foolish one who built his house on sand. “The house built on strong rock withheld the mighty wind and storm.
 But in adverse condition, the house built on sand fell flat on the ground with a loud crash.”(Luke. 6:46-49)

Jesus was not teaching us to build a house but was revealing to us the need to begin life on a strong foundation. The Holy Bible says “How happy you will be if you put it into practice.” (John 13:17)

One who desires to be victorious will surely live according to this direction. Then we will receive God’s grace which will enable us to resist all pleasures of life. Jesus Christ says “Dear children how wrong you are! It is because you don’t know the scriptures or Gods power.” (Mat.22:29)

Yes dear ones, like the unity prevailing in the blessed trinity, every couple should be united as one with the Lord.
The firmness of marital life lies in the extend of union it has with God. Where prayer is lifted up, there the marital relation too will be fixed up in love.
The Holy Bible says, “A family divided against itself falls apart.” (Luke 11:17)
It further states that the family that prays together stays together.

The Bible says in Old Testament, “Tri-chords are hard to break.” (Eccl. 4:12) These words teach us that marital relations can never be limited to two individuals alone. Through various examples, the Holy Bible clearly teaches that the strong hands and divine guidance of an unseen Holy Priest (Lord Jesus) is of utmost importance amidst them.

Lord himself says, “The maintenance of this relationship is impossible for human heart.” (Mark 10:27)  But it is very simple for your Heavenly Father, who always desires to see you in unity.

So dear ones, aren’t these words giving us supernatural hope for maintaining our marital relationship?
Through the Holy Spirit, Lord is ever ready to give us anything we ask for and even more.

Knowing the appropriate Word of God and by submitting to the will of his parents, Tobias, their only son decided to receive his life partner. He very well knew that the girl he was going to receive had been married seven times and each time, her husband died on the first night itself, but, believing she was made for him, accepted her from God’s hand.

On the wedding night, when they were alone in their chamber, Tobias told his life partner, “Come let us pray for God’s mercy.”
He further prayed, “I am receiving her not by bodily desire, but by innocent love alone. Have mercy on us; grant that we may grow old together.” Then they both said “Amen” and concluded. (Tobit 8:7-8)

The following chapter, it is mentioned that the Lord blessed them with a life of perfection in His sight.
This is an example of an ideal marital life given by our Heavenly Father.

The Lord said to Joseph, “Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary to be your wife.” (Matt. 1:20)

Inspite of being believers, in order to follow this modern world we have long back trespassed God’s direction. Therefore, all the holy relations are in a pitiful state today.

Isn’t it wise to check our life once again? Is there any need for hesitation regarding the correction of our mistakes?

Many disasters have occurred in our lives because we have not accepted our life partner as he or she is and due to lack of mutual prayer.

Didn’t you wander for years together with complaint lodged on your lips?
How many times have you cursed the person who brought the proposal to you?
How many times have you repeatedly complained that ‘the cause of all your troubles was due to the carelessness on the part of your parents? Had they given a second thought to the proposal, you could have married another better person?’What all misunderstandings, so many doubts right from the day you got married?
The opponent (partner) then begins, “From the day I began my life with you…… I am left with nothing except my cries and grinding of teeth. You are in a state of numbness…What is remaining now? There will be no changes in these …….”

Lack of contentment, hatred, numbness of life etc. begin to develop and to add to all these arrives a disregard towards the Creator.

However God our Father does not desire all this from his children. He is always waiting by to see the unity and love of His children. He wishes that we take leave from these narcotics of selfishness and live free from its side effects which are rejection and loneliness.

Father says, “As Christ loved, so also you should love one another.” (John 15: 12)

(to be continued…..)

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