Saturday, 27 June 2015



The Bible says, “…Therefore what God has joined together, let men not separate.”  (Matt. 19:6)

Lord Jesus loved His people and his disciples more than his own life, but for all those love what response did he receive?

His lips knew no blames; He did not take refuge in loneliness. In spite of the sorrow that even His disciples did not see Lord Jesus the way He was, He refrained deviating from His aim till the end and fulfilled all His work patiently.

The Cross of Calvary is the true measuring rod of this love. To realize the attitude with which the Lord who suffered utmost pain, we have to visualize the Cross. Similarly, if we receive the Cross of our daily life by visualizing them in the same way, then our relationships will be like the full moon, which shines even in the dark. For this we may have to ask and receive Christ’s attitude daily.

It was not for His own interest that Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself and received the Cross.

The Cross standing aloft reflects two major values
He Forgot Himself and He Sacrificed Himself

In marital relation too, the Love of Christ demands a similar attitude that man should sacrifice his interests and woman should forget her own pleasures. It is better if this is imbibed by us.

No man or woman can satisfy their life partner by giving one’s own love because everyone seeks and desires the same boundless love for themselves.
From the weak heart as big as a fist, we can offer only our weak love but great satisfaction and happiness will bloom if we daily imbibe and share the Eternal Love, which flows from the King of Love.

Love is not something that can be stolen or snatched.

When love begins to flow from undying springs, then it fails to get limited within the search for momentary happiness or desire to get anything in return.
If marital relation begins to take refuge in worldly emotions or evolves to be self oriented then these relations will turn out to be mere objects to satisfy emotions alone.
When couples begin to live freely with Godly thoughts, then all their emotional problems tend to melt and flow into nothingness.

Relationships will be strengthened when we realize that love means responsibilities that arise from mutual decisions.

Dear Ones, the hurt feelings you have inflicted on your life partner may be very deep, but don’t worry, only the sorrowful passions of our Lord Jesus can heal them. Neither person nor medicine can heal the wounds.

The path you seek and the victory we achieved may perhaps lead us to a guilty conscience with moments of downfall which are natural to human life,but what holds importance is how we handle them.

If we begin to waste our days with an attitude that the days are near, cipher and if we whisper that they are unsold, then the healing becomes impossible. There may be moments of argument and opposition in one’s life. In such moments, if you could cool down for a moment and turn to the Lord for guidance, give a thought to your responsibilities, then God will surely help you.

Personal relationship with Jesus i.e. personal prayer is essential to draw strength and hold united to deal the crisis in marital life.

The Holy Bible directs that “An excellent wife wakes up early in the morning and glorify God. Giving first priority to God is the initial responsibility of every wife.

Similarly the Holy Bible  states, “It is his practice to get up early and pray aloud to God His Creator asking the most High to forgive his sins. He prays with gratitude for his needs and increases his knowledge by reading the Word of God.” (Sirach 39:5-9)

The fact that husband and wife speak to Jesus individually everyday itself is a mighty blessing. Then the Holy Spirit will bless both of them with the required graces to sanctify their relationship, thus helping the couple to move in unity towards God. By mutually surrendering themselves, offences will be pardoned and bruises will be healed. Holy Spirit will train them with the manner to pray and to behave themselves with each other. When they together begin to seek the Will of God, the words of the Bible will be proved true:

“Whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray, it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven.” ( Matt 18:19)

Again the Lord says, “I will make my home with my people and live among them.” (2 Cor. 6:16)

Yes dear ones, what a mighty blessing has Father promised through our marital relation!

How then can we who neglect such blessing expect his prosperity?

God says, “Man should not separate what God has united.” We should not forget that sitting at the right side of the Father, Jesus will intercede for us and the Holy Spirit by his instruction and advices will guide us to walk on the true path.  If we co-operate with them, we will be able to turn ourselves into sacrificial offering as two candles burning in flames of true sacrifice.

He further says, “If you wish to, you will be able to obey the commandments. Whether you should be faithful or not, depends on your will.” (Sirach 15:15)

Christ will give you the strength just like Tobias and Joseph, the descendant of David, we shall also set aside all our depression and loneliness and accept our life partner from the hands of the Almighty. If you ceaselessly strive and seek help from the Lord of Hope, then you will be transformed into a cactus growing beside streams of life giving water.

By reading this message together and by casting away all the old lullabies of life, may God bless you in abundant grace to accept each other. Amen!

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"