"May the gracious and powerful hands of God lead you always"
What a vast increase in total sum of human happiness it would mean if each one of us were to be always just as kind as he could be? Why, Earth would be almost as heaven if all unkindness were eliminated from our lives...
It was such a thought that came to a pious nun during her meditation and which prompted her to start the FRATERNITY OF KINDNESS.
These are it's to observe:
1)Try not to think unkindly to others.
2)Try not to speak unkindly of others.
3)Try not to act unkindly to others.
As we all know,there is a penalty attached to every violation of the rules,a double penalty which consists of:
A) Saying a short prayer for the victim of our unkindness.
B) Performing an act of kindness towards that person on the same day.
If the latter is impractical, a short prayer will suffice. The prayer may be as short as
Simple, isn't it....How easy....of course!
How happy if we could all join in it.....and what must we do to join ?
Simply make up your mind to be a member and begin to observe the rules. No enrollment is required. Anyone enthusiastic enough to observe the act and spread the FRATERNITY,he will become an "APOSTLE OF KINDNESS."
The patron and model of 'FRATERNITY OF KINDNESS' is the 'SACRED HEART OF JESUS', burning with love for all mankind.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we love you.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, thy kingdom come.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
What a vast increase in total sum of human happiness it would mean if each one of us were to be always just as kind as he could be? Why, Earth would be almost as heaven if all unkindness were eliminated from our lives...
It was such a thought that came to a pious nun during her meditation and which prompted her to start the FRATERNITY OF KINDNESS.
These are it's to observe:
1)Try not to think unkindly to others.
2)Try not to speak unkindly of others.
3)Try not to act unkindly to others.
As we all know,there is a penalty attached to every violation of the rules,a double penalty which consists of:
A) Saying a short prayer for the victim of our unkindness.
B) Performing an act of kindness towards that person on the same day.
If the latter is impractical, a short prayer will suffice. The prayer may be as short as
Simple, isn't it....How easy....of course!
How happy if we could all join in it.....and what must we do to join ?
Simply make up your mind to be a member and begin to observe the rules. No enrollment is required. Anyone enthusiastic enough to observe the act and spread the FRATERNITY,he will become an "APOSTLE OF KINDNESS."
The patron and model of 'FRATERNITY OF KINDNESS' is the 'SACRED HEART OF JESUS', burning with love for all mankind.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we love you.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, thy kingdom come.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"