Thursday, 3 December 2015



“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for He has visited and redeemed His people….

We have already stepped into the concluding month of the year and are eagerly waiting Christmas. It’s that time of the year when you offer a small but the best place of your home for the Nativity.

This week we recommend that you vacate the area meant for the Holy Crib; after cleaning and making it spotless, place a basket or a hang a stocking.

You must be wondering why a basket or a stocking and not the crib?
Let us remind ourselves that our small home, our family and neighborhood are all to welcome the King of the World; So our preparations to are to greet and match His Royal Highness.

Sitting at the selected area, let us recite a small prayer: Abba Father, Creator of the earth we offer bouquets of Thanksgiving for this beautiful place to recreate the Nativity Scene in our humble home.

Now be seated near the basket and make a note of all your needs for this Christmas. It could vary from your personal shopping list, decorations, to small gifts for your friends, cousins, for the lonely neighbor. Now make a list of all those whom you would like to gift but are far away; make small prayers asking God to reach to them on your behalf. Let us also not forget those who have lost their near and dear ones and are in mourning during this season. Note down small prayers for all those who love you and also for those who dislike you.

Subsequently,  make a list of good deeds that you wish to do; it could be as small as sharing your belongings to those who are in need, or to forgo  yourself from all fancy desires or a small penance to make up for those times when disobedience and laziness overtook you. 
Through these acts of kindness, we would be preparing an infant set for all little new born girls and boys and offer it as a gift to our King, so that our generous Lord can distribute it to them throughout the world.

Dear children, can you imagine how many warm clothes would be required? There are so many needy ones in this world that only the Holy Lord can see through His generous Eyes and His Holy hands wish to gift and embrace them!

So start preparing yourself to weave and wrap as many as infant sets to gift the Royal King. 

Let us help you to get started:
A Basket of warm clothes
Come Lord Jesus, Come and be born in my heart. Help me to make a basket of warm clothes.
Bathing Products
Come Lord Jesus, Come and be born in my heart. Help me to make a basket of bathing products
Feeding Sets
Come Lord Jesus, Come and be born in my heart. Help me to make a basket of feeding sets.
Come Lord Jesus, Come and be born in my heart. Help me to make a basket of toys.
Soothing, Harmony Music
Come Lord Jesus, Come and be born in my heart. Help me to make  music
Wisdom for parents
Come Lord Jesus, Come and be born in my heart. Grant your Divine wisdom for parents
Guidance and health for the Nanny
Come Lord Jesus, Come and be born in my heart. Grant your divine guidance to the Nanny

Dear Lord Send many guardian angels to provide light, comfort, joy and peace to every newborn’s home.

Conclude the prayer with One Our Father, Hail Mary and a Glory Be.

Thank you Abba Father for this Joyous occasion- Christmas.

Thank you Mother Mary and St. Joseph for this beautiful gift of Christmas.

Little King Jesus, Prince of peace, we thank you; praise You; We worship You. Amen!

With love filled blessings,

Your sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"