Create a new pure
heart in me oh! God, and put a new and loyal spirit in me. Psalms 51:10
To whom can the
holy God be compared?
Is there anyone
else like Him?
Look up at the
Who created the
stars you see?
The one who leads
them out like an army.
His power is so
Not one of them
is ever missing!
Israel, why then
do you complain
that the Lord
doesn’t know your troubles
or care if you
suffer injustice?
Don’t you know? Haven’t
you heard?
The Lord is the
everlasting God;
He created all
the world.
He never grows
tired or weary.
No one understands
His thoughts
He strengthens
those who are weak
and tired.
Even those who
are young grow weak;
young men can
fall exhausted.
But those who
trust in the Lord for help
will find their
strength renewed.
They will rise on
wings like eagles;
They will run and
not get weary;
They will walk
and not grow weak.
{Isaiah 40: 25-30]
As we advance to the second week of Advent,
a week dedicated to the holy sacrament of reconciliation; it is time for us to do
a thorough examination of our conscience. We may require healing and
deliverance in various stages and areas of life.
In order to correct ourselves it is
important to distinguish our actions that leads us to sin, to recognize its
burden and consequences and the various sickness, diseases that afflicts and
influences us.
So list out all the hook and crooked ways
that arise lustful thoughts, activities that lead us to the path of destruction
blocking the blessings of our life.
Beginning from our various addictions like
drinks, drugs, gluttony, internet, bad films, bad friendships, smoking, job
etc..to habituated lies, even white lies, gossip, boasting, spreading rumors,
unable to see the goodness and prosperity of others.
The list may also include habits that we
tend to seek comfort for e.g. comfort eating, watching television, oversleeping,
destroying things, etc…
How about adding those that are lacking
too, be it lack of sleep, intake of a proper meal at the dedicated time, lack
of desire to groom oneself; lack of happiness; lack of spiritual nourishment etc.
The list is endless as well as varies
from person to person. These are walls that are preventing God’s love from
entering your life.
Let us take note of a woman suffering hemorrhage
for twelve long years.
She was aware and of her sickness; with
all her attempts to get healed futile she had given up all hope. That’s when
she heard about Lord Jesus.
Not wanting to lose even the small chance
of healing, she gathered courage from the desire thinking, “If only I can touch
his cloak, I shall be cured”. [Mat: 9-21]
In confidence, she touched the tassel of
His cloak and behold! She was healed.
Her faith too was celebrated when Lord Jesus said to her, “Courage my daughter
your faith has made you well.” At that hour the women was cured [Matthew:9-22]
Let us also wait patiently at the presence
of our Lord, seeking Him to reveal what He wants to liberate us from, this
week. Spare some time with patience to be still and await His silent reply.
John the Baptist appeared as a preacher
in the desert of Judea, said, “Turn away from your sins because the Kingdom of
Heaven is here.” God is standing at your side make your heart strong enough to
believe that His Kingdom is true and just; and will reach out to you.
As the symbol of second week of Advent
light two candles of Advent wreath awaiting His presence. Believe sincerely that
the touch of Christ will cure your soul, mind and body.
I recommend you, that if you could spare
some time out do visit a Church where the Blessed Sacrament, the Body of Christ
dwells as the Most Precious Holy Land making your meditation more suitable and dedicated.
Trust that your effort will bear good fruit
and like the unnamed woman, your lives too will be reformed.
God the Father of mercy through the death
and resurrection of Your Son deliver me from all sin and habituated vices.
Jesus my Master, thank you for having mercy on me. My Lord, I love you above
all things with my whole heart and my soul. Lord Jesus like the woman who took
the courage to touch You I desire to touch You so that you will console and
liberate me.
Holy Spirit help me to grow in holiness.
Triune God I adore you, Jesus the way, the truth and the life, I thank you and
glorify you for delivering me.
Immaculate heart of the Blessed Mary,
assist me always I pray to keep my body pure and my soul holy. Amen.
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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"