Tuesday, 8 December 2015


Mary said,” Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to His word.” [Luke 1)

The empire of Sin, in the generation of the wicked had extended its dominion to the utmost limits. The ancient serpent had infected the entire earth with its poison, blinding those who had control over the mortals. Instead of seeking the celestial Supreme God and His will, each set up his own false, misleading laws and finally creating a god according to his likeness, thus leading to further confusion, hatred and severe commotion among mankind. Lucifer the ruler reigned, with pride as his right-hand and fools as the ministers, he sent out proclamation to punish the pure and innocent people.

With days advanced in utter ignorance, errors and scatterbrained, the world in its new laws, blurred and diminished the image and presence of the True God.

God, who was all the more deeply offended, resolved to steer clear the sins of mankind pledging His precious possession, His own dear Son, sun of justice-Christ our Salvation.
It was important to make known to the ignorant mankind the essence of the True God and Heavenly Kingdom.
The right time for the redemption of His Creation, was at hand.

To send his only Beloved Son to the evil reigning earth, God created St. Joachim and St. Anne. While Joachim from Galilee, was a most humble man, leading a life of purity, holy and sincerity, St. Anne with residence in Bethlehem, too lead a life of chastity and humility. She was a beautiful maiden; infused with the knowledge in the Divine Scriptures and the holy sacraments equally excelling in the path with the virtues of faith, hope and love. As the customary tradition, she prayed and awaited the coming of the Messiah: a prayer that was much acceptable to the Lord.

St. Anne prayed fervently for the procurement of a spouse in matrimony, who could continue her to observe all the ancient laws in fulfillment to its percepts. St. Joachim, earnest and incomparably modest and honest to His Provider, too requested the petition of a dutiful spouse.

 Both their prayers were presented at the same time before the Holy Trinity where they were heeded to and fulfilled. 
Thus they both united to marry and became the parents of Her- who was to be the mother of the incarnate God.

In furthermost of this divine decree the archangel Gabriel was sent to pronounce it to both.

To St. Anne, he appeared in a visible form while she was engaged in fervent prayer for the coming of the Savior and redeemer of man; concerned and frightened by seeing the most beautiful and holy prints.  Inwardly rejoiced and enlightened, the Holy Maiden prostrated herself in profound humility to reverence, but the Angel prevented and encouraged as she had been destined to be the Arc of the true Manna- Mary Most Holy Mother of God. 

He said to her “The Most High give thee, His blessing, servant of God and be thy Salvation. His Majesty has heard thy petitions and wishes thee to persevere therein and that continue to clamor for the coming of the redeemer. It is His will that thou accept Joachim as thy spouse for he is a man of upright heart and acceptable to the Lord.  In his company thou will be able to persevere in the observance of his Law and in his service.  Continue thy prayers and thy supplications and be not solicitors for anything else.  Walk in the straight path of justice…etc. and the Angel disappeared leaving her enlightened in many mysteries of Holy Scriptures and comforted by renewing her Spirit”

To St. Joachim, the Archangel did not appear in a corpal manner but he spoke to the man of God in his sleep and followed, “Joachim, be thou blessed by the right hand of the Most High! persevere in thy desire and live according to rectitude and perfection . It is the will of the Almighty that thou receive St. Anne as thy spouse for her the Lord had visited with his blessings. Take care of her and esteem her as a pledge of the Most High and give thanks to his Majesty because he has given her into thy charge.  Immediately St. Joachim asked for the hand of the most chaste St. Anne and in most obedience to the divine ordainment they espoused each other.

But they never manifested each other the secret mystery for several years.  They lived to themselves with an undisturbed peace and union of heart without quarrel or a shadow of a grudge. This fortunate couple passed twenty years of their married life without issues.

Being a childless couple they had to bear much disgrace, insult and reproach from their neighbors and Jewish people; yet they continued in most fervent prayers from the bottom of their hearts, mindful of the command from the Most High; they had prepared and vowed to the Lord that If the Most High was willing to answer their supplication they would consecrate him/her to His service in the temple of Jerusalem. The holy man full of shame and confusion he prayed; as he was hastened away from the temple full of sorrow, however he maintained his peace and contentment. They both continued their prayers.

Once again Archangel Gabriel enlightened and consoled both St. Joachim and St. Anne telling them their prayers have come to the Holy presence and their petitions are heard in clemency. Together they gave thanks to the Almighty for His wonderful Blessings and offered special gifts and sacrifices. 

Neither to Joachim nor to anyone did prudent matron Anne ever disclose the secret that her daughter was chosen to be the mother of the Messiah. However, in the last moments of his life the Almighty made the secret known to him. 

The most cheerful mother, holy Anne passed the days of her pregnancy spiritualized by the works of the sweet Holy Spirit in all her faculties.

Thus the day most fortunate for the world arrived! Mary was born; pure and stainless, beautiful and full of grace, thereby demonstrating that she was free form the law and the tribute of sin. 

With Loved filled blessings, 
Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"