Tuesday, 15 December 2015


May you obtain the unlimited mercy and abundance of His grace that springs forth from the promises of God.

Christmas is a festival which is celebrated with the greatest pomp and splendor by people all over the world.

Jesus Christ, the Word of God, greater than the angels-- took a nature equal to man excluding sin for the Salvation of mankind. This incarnation occasion is God’s expression of love and mercy upon His creation that were rejected, helpless and downtrodden.

The rich and poor, irrespective of caste or creed are rewarded with joy and peace by this event.

With great rejoicing and strength the angels imparted the Good News of the coming of our Savior to the shepherds who were looking after their sheep.

The journey seeking the Savior gave true knowledge to the wise men whose wisdom was fading away under the influence of the worldly power and traditions. The heavenly hymns, full of divine glory also adorned the earth with the holy resounding of songs.

When a great army of heaven’s angels appeared and sang praises to God, the Virgin Mother received the insight about the mysterious love of God that was there in the sacrifices that were involved behind rewarding the Savior to the world.

We can see that according to the messages from Heaven, Joseph obtained the faith, courage and patience to protect the mother and the infant.

Once while Jesus was teaching in the Synagogue, a teacher of the Law came up and tried to trap Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to receive eternal life?” Jesus answered Him, “What do the Scripture say? How do you interpret them?”

The man answered, “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind,” “and love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

“You are right,” Jesus replied, “Do this and you will live.”

But the teacher of the Law wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”

Reading his thoughts Jesus began to speak to Him through a parable.

Jesus answered, “There was once a man who was going down from Jerusalem to Jerico when robbers attacked him, stripped, and beat him up, living him half dead. It so happened that a priest was going down that road, but when he saw the man, he walked on by, on the other side. The same way Levite also came along, went over, looked at the man, and then walked on by, on the other side. Thirdly a Samaritan happened to pass that way. He was filled with pity for the wounded man. He went over to him, poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them, then He put the man on his own animal and took him to an inn, where he took care of him.”

“He kept that night aside to take care of that stranger. The next day morning he met the inn keeper and instructed him to take good care of him and gave him some money. Before leaving he again said to the inn keeper, ‘I will pay you whatever else you spent on him. Don’t hesitate to take care of him.’ ”

After saying this, Jesus concluded, “In your opinion, which one of these three acted like a neighbor towards the man attacked by the robbers?”

The Teacher of the Law answered, “The one who was kind to him.”

Jesus replied, “You go, then and do the same.”

Everyone is busy seeking tidings of everlasting joy and peace amidst the hustle and bustle of their life. The most lovable gift that the Heavenly Father has granted in this brief life is His Everlasting Love.
 In His own time, the loving Father has handed it over to us through His chosen messenger and that blessed day has been named ‘Christmas.’

This gift in reality had life in it. That life was the light of the world and that life giving light is Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ came into this world amidst its unfavorable circumstances to make people experience the love of God and to teach us to love the Heavenly Father and human brothers.  By summarizing all the commandments into just two commandments, Jesus taught us to put into real practice.

Jesus’ life became a sacrificial life for the love of God and man. The Supreme Plan of Abba Father, for the whole human race is to seek, obtain and share this love.

Like the good Samaritan every Christian is obliged to help sincerely his neighbors for the reason that it is a commandment. We have to pray for the prosperity and unity of our neighbors. If you need co-operation, you ought to have mutual love and patience.

The Lord says, “Do not take revenge on anyone or continue to hate him but love your neighbor as you love yourself. I am the Lord.” (Levi 19:18)

If for any reason you happen to suffer because of your neighbor, don’t say, “I will take revenge.”

The Lord says, “Evil people worry you, don’t be envious of them. A wicked person has no future—nothing to look forward to.” (Proverbs 24:29)

The Lord teaches us, “Ask God to bless those who persecute you – yes – ask Him to bless, not to curse,”

Dear devotees, to those of you who are preparing to receive Jesus Christ, who is gift of God, isn’t voice of God, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” resounding in your ears.

 Without accepting our nearest neighbor, we are unworthy to receive the gift that comes from the Heavenly Father.

The Lord says, “But I show my love to thousands of generations of those who love Me and obey My Laws. (Exodus 20:6)

The Lord expresses His unchanging Love towards those who obey His command. Our blessings are enriched, when we love our neighbors,.
In this short life that passes by like a shadow, let us abandon the paths of unrighteousness and destruction. Let us transform our life which is like the fog that appears for some time and disappears at other times, into a selfless one.

May the Infant Lord Jesus, King of Kings, who left the Heavens, came down to earth and accepted the form of a servant, bless you with a service mentality alike His.

                                                             LET US PRAY
Heavenly Father, just as You love me in all circumstances, for the sake of Jesus’ Love, teach me to love and help my neighbors always. Make me strong to bear all the burdens and losses that occur while helping my neighbor. Above all grant me the strength to love God and to love my  neighbour as myself. Fill me with God’s Holy Spirit that overpowers everything. Amen!

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"