Tuesday, 29 December 2015


The Holy Bible says, “The royal line of David is like a tree that has been cut down; but just as new branches sprout from a stump, so a new king will arise from among David’s descendants.”        (Isaiah 11:1)

The history of Salvation is the ceaseless effort of God, who apparently wanted to bring back those who drifted away from Him. Thanks to this glorious event of Christmas, eternal hopes were incarnated in order that a new era comprising the Lord’s natives  may be brought into existence.  

The Holy Church continues its efforts to lead people to Salvation, a journey that originated from Christ. Praises to the glorified Lord now and forever for His love filled indescribable grace that He showers on those who are despised, weary, exhausted and on those who had no one to seek refuge in.  His everlasting mercy and unbounded grace is the Mystery hidden within it.

When the events of the Good News unfolded, it was not broadcasted to those who were sleeping peacefully in the palatial palaces of Jerusalem, instead the celestial angels brought the news and gladdened the hearts of some meek shepherds, who spent sleepless nights, taking care of their little lambs in open fields.

Thus, the Word that existed with God from the beginning descended into this universe impart life to it. Jesus Christ- the Word alone is the light of all mankind. All who accept this Light is set free from the drudgery of darkness. He will abide in those who believe in His Name and be their guide forever.

The Lord, born in human likeness, dwelt along those sunk in deep darkness of sin and even today is in search of a human heart to reside and impart the ever-shining Light of Eternal Life.
So let us give up our evil and dark ways; walk His Holy Path which is lit up with the light of truth. Just as the hurriedness of the shepherds to see the long awaited Messiah, let us too hurry to spread the Good News to the far ends of the universe.

May this year ending feast strengthen you to reach out to others the Good News that opens the doors of peace and happiness.

Let us bow down in adoration to the Most Loving Father, pleading for His Light, Love and Mercy for all mankind. Allow the little but most holy and powerful hands of Infant to have a touch to sanctify our thoughts, words ,actions and affections; so we may please God and all whom He wishes.

Holy Mary intercede and guard our mind, heart and sense that we may not be stained with sin or any occasions of sin. Amen!!

May the peace and joy of Christ and blessing of the advancing New Year reach out to you!

With Love filled Blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"