Thursday, 10 December 2015


Dear Children in Christ,

Thanks for the overwhelming response to the last section. We hope and pray that you have succeeded in the preparing return gifts to our gracious Abba Father, who gifted us His only Beloved Son- Jesus Christ.
We have already stepped into the second week of advent and are eagerly waiting for the coming of the Savior. It’s a time to think about how to decorate the little crib as well as your little heart for the arrival of Baby Jesus.

To welcome Jesus, we need to clean the cobwebs and dust off the traces of jealousy, unwanted desires, laziness etc and make our hearts, our thoughts and ourselves ready for the King of this world.

For all those who took an effort in joining us for the advent activity; have already started penance for their little mischief and wrongdoings.
It would be proper to lend a thought towards our faithfulness in the day to day responsibilities as well as the promises taken before the Lord. Just as we unpack our last year’s box of decorations; let us similarly run our thoughts towards our spiritual growth. How much have I grown spiritually from the last Christmas? What all unwanted habits have I got rid off? Have I prayed daily? Sacrificed my small fancy desires to fulfill the requirements of a needy brother/ sister? Have I learnt to let go so that others too may win at times? What about the habit of destroying things? How about that laziness and disobedience which you had bid goodbye to last Christmas?

Do you feel dejected that you could not stand up to your promises? You tend to fail in your promises when you fail in prayer.

So buckle up!

Its only when you pray and try, that the good Lord will pour His Grace in abundance over you. His grace is a supernatural power that can see victory over all weakness and impossible situations. God’s merciful love overpowers the worldly powers, laziness, unwanted desires granting you strength and pleasantness at all times.

So during this second week of advent, do take some time out with utmost dedication to pray, and gain strength and courage to overcome all habits and bring back the lost hope. Be sure to obey your parents and help them in the festive preparations. As Christmas approaches, at every opportunity do good for your family and friends.


Infant Jesus, all hail, most holy and most loving and most amiable; all glory, honor and praises to You!
Infant Jesus, humble and obedient grant my petition.
Holy Mary, pray for us!

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"