Saturday, 1 August 2015


The Holy Bible says, “You spoke to me, and I listened to every word. I belong to You, Lord God Almighty, and so your words filled my heart with joy and happiness.”  (Jere. 15:16)

The Sovereign Lord says, “I am pleased with those who are humble and repentant, who fear and obey me.” (Isaiah 66:2)
A thirsty soul awaiting to hear the Lord’s voice prevailing with a repentant heart is indeed a person worthy enough to receive Lord’s blessings.

The Holy Spirit says, “If you hear God’s voice today, do not be stubborn, as your ancestors were when they rebelled against God.” (Heb. 3:7-8)

“God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Hebrew 3:11 reminds us “I was angry and made a solemn promise: ‘they will never enter the land where I would have given them rest.’
Our ancestors had witnessed God’s mighty deeds for 40 years. Lets us always keep in mind never to put God to test or accuse Him or be disloyal or disobedient towards Him and His Holy Word. The Bible instructs us never to deceive ourselves merely by listening to the Word of God instead it has to be practiced in our daily life.  Whoever practices the Word of God in his daily life will be blessed abundantly.

When we train ourselves to listen to the Word of God, it is very vital that we must have faith in the miraculous power of the Word. The comfort it endows can only be experienced by a true believer.

The Holy Bible clearly points what happens to a listener who does not believe in it.

The author of Hebrews enlightens us “They heard the message, but it did them no good, because when they heard it, they did not accept it with faith.” (Heb. 4)

We need a prayerful atmosphere to grasp the hidden mysteries of the Word.
St. Paul, the ambassador of the Gospel, requests his devotees. “Pray for me, that God will give me a message when I am ready to speak, so that I may speak boldly and make known the Gospel’s secret.” (Eph. 6:19)

Lord Jesus himself reveals to us the need for an open mind to grasp and follow His teachings.
“Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” (Luke 24.45)

God bestows everyone with His Word the seed, but the Word of God can be only sowed in a prepared heart that patiently cares and protects it to finally produce good fruit.
One of the most important virtue necessitate is the love of God. If you obey Him, along with an alert and co-operative mind, you will be able to obey His Word.

For the Bible says, “Whoever does not love me, do not obey my teachings.” One must accept that God, who is full of love, had sent His only Son to this world to proclaim His good News and all that His Beloved Son taught us has come from the Almighty God the Creator. When we accept His Word with the sacrificial love He sends us His Holy Spirit to reveal the truth about God and lead you to the path of perfect knowledge. It is only through His Power that we attain the grace to understand the hidden inner meaning of His Word. Alleluia!! Praise the Lord!

A heart that possess good will and wish can easily Live in Jesus, The Word -- to chase away the foolishness of the world. We all need to strive for it.

The scripture inspired by God is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults and providing instructions.

So let’s make God’s teaching our own treasure and enjoy being well instructed and gain the joy arising from it.  Amen!

Let’s take time out to read some testimonies:

Through the Word of God
“The Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where the soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of man’s heart.” (Heb 4:12)

Two years ago, when I heard about the prayer and approached the founder of KLWC, in regards for a petition on behalf of my cousin. But that episode resulted in the salvation for me and my family. In spite of being a Christian, I could taste and experience my Lord Jesus only through KLWC.

I was leading a life filled with tensions, fear, irritation and anxiety and suffered hypertension. Every Saturday , during the Bible preaching session, I was able to grasp the Word of God, as I felt it was being proclaimed for me and through those Holy Words, I gained freedom from my mental disturbances and uneasiness. Whenever I approached KLWC with a problem, I have returned with a suitable solution and thus gained confidence in God. Today with a sincere open and peaceful heart, I am able to forgive and love my enemies. I experienced that those who learnt and obey His Holy Word and live accordingly are able to avoid evil. It was this fellowship that taught me the purpose and advantages of thanking God.

I suffered from chronic backache which deter me from lying down flat on bed and initially found it too painful to raise my hands in prayer. During the prayer meeting, 

I received the Power of God and deliverance from all my pains and aches. I could experience a burning sensation all over my body when Respected Sister preached the Holy Word. Praise the Lord!!

My daughter, who had severe migraine headache for the past 15 years, was totally healed. She was anointed with the Holy Spirit and blessed with gift of tongues, which enabled her to intercede for others. Now she is regular in her Bible reading, which helps her to face the trials and troubles of everyday life. Now, God has also blessed her with a good job she dreamt of.

One late night, my maid had severe chest pain and breathlessness. In my distress, I dialed the KLWC with a prayer request, who prayed for her and she was healed.

It is truly comforting to have an anointed person always ready to intercede to God on our behalf and this thought enables me to live happy and peaceful life. May God bless them abundantly.

“Pay attention to what I say, my son. Listen to my words. Never let them get away from you. Remember them and keep them in your heart. They will give life and health to anyone who understands them.” (Prov. 4:20-22)

Job and Health Restored

In the year 1992, an unexpected situation arose, where I was about to lose my job. It hit me like a sudden blow. Puzzled and hopeless, I began my search for another job. One of my friend, who had experienced God’s power in his life through KLWC, advised me to approach them. 

After hearing my petition, Respected Sister recommended that I read the Holy Bible, surrender everything to God and attend the prayer meeting. After a pray over, she gave me the Holy Message, “Jesus Christ has touched and blessed you.” The very next Monday when I went to my office, I was amazed to find that I was reinstated. Praise the Lord!

The very same year, I had a mild hypertensive stoke which weakened the right side of my body. In spite of seeking medical aid from 3-4 doctors, I was still unable to recover. A week later, as I lay helpless in my home, I memorized my previous miracle. My friend then took me to KLWC. 

Respected Sister prayed over me and told, “God loves you and is healing you.” Instantly I felt the Lord’s power filling in me. Within two days I was better and back to job! Glory to God!!

“He is near to those who call to Him, who call to Him with sincerity.” (Psalms 145:18)

From that day, my family got closer to God. My wife began to attend almost all Saturday prayers and we began Bible reading and Family Prayer. Through KLWC, God brought peace and revival in my family. Praise the Lord!

                                 -Published on Sept 1994 Issue, LWE 2000

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