Wednesday, 5 August 2015



“Your life in Christ makes you strong and His love comforts you.  You have fellowship with the Spirit, and you have kindness and compassion for one another.”  (Phil 2:1)

Let’s mediate on some Word of God which can fill us with God’s love and help us to overcome our fear.

God blesses us with a fresh new day and stores up His Constant Love and Mercy. . 
In Lam. 3:22 – “The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise.”

So we should purge out the previous days sorrows and hurt feelings by checking our conscience before God - prior going to bed so that we have fresh mind to welcome the new day.  By keeping in mind God’s promises and meditating them often enables us to be filled with His love and peace of mind.

Few quotations of His promises are given below

Isaiah 41:10 “Do not be afraid I am with you…. I am your God. Let nothing terrify you.  I will make you strong and help you.  I will save you.”

Isaiah 49:15, 16, “….Even if a mother should forget her child.  I will never forget you…. I have written your name on the palms of my hand.”

The Almighty God says, “….I have always loved you so I continue to show you my constant love.  Once again I will rebuild you.”  (Jer.31:3-4)

The Holy Bible says, “…..even the hairs of your head have been counted.  So do not be afraid, you are worth much more than many sparrows sold out in the market yet not forgotten by God.”  (Luke 12)

“Stand firm and you will save yourselves.”  (Luke 21:19)

“Don’t be upset always concerned about what you will eat and drink.  Your Father knows that you will need these things.  Instead be concerned with His kingdom and He will provide you these things.” (Luke)

“Leave all your worries to God because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

So let’s have hope in His divine promises and His commands.  He is faithful and unchangeable.  So get ready to have a life in faith which gives us the grace to love everyone selflessly.  It enables us to avoid and detest the works of the destroyer.

Let’s go through some testimonies:
·        The anger, stubbornness and hatred of my 17 year old handicapped son troubled me and my family. Being completely worn out and exhausted due to his behavior, I sought refuge in all the traditional ways known to me. One day I came to know about an anointed lady who intercedes for the poor, needy and troubled families. Thinking logically, that God is one, I along with my son approached her residence and cited my worries to her. She comforted and prayed over us. From that moment, immense changes began to occur in me and my son’s emotional behavior. He began accepting everyone in the family. The miraculous change in the attitude of my son convinced me to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior in my life. As I began to attend the prayer meetings regularly, the changes in my family was inexpressible and we experienced  the constant flow of  God’s mercy, love, joy,peace and unity.

I was totally unaware of the Holy Spirit and its power. As I began to get more involved in the KLWC prayer meetings, I gained the knowledge about the True Lord and His Holy Spirit. When Respected Sister, publicly declared that everyone has the right to receive the Holy Spirit of Savior Jesus, who died for the world, I willingly and fervently prayed for the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Dear Friends, suddenly I saw great fire descending in our midst and it began to sprout in all directions. The tongues of fire came and rested on my head. Uncontrollable tears began to flow from my eyes and I was filled with great joy. Praise the Lord!!

Many times I obtained the grace to see the Divine Face of Lord Jesus in visions. Alleluia!! Amen!!

My joy knew no bounds when I realized that Lord Jesus had blessed my family with faith too. Whenever I would be engrossed in household work they would remind and assist me in it, so that I could I attend the prayer meetings on time without fail.  I learnt that Lord Jesus’ blessings keep one rich and healthy. Ever since I stepped into KLWC, sickness has been cast out from my home and in any case it occurs, Lord grants the necessary healing when I call out to Him. When we seek God faithfully, the Lord says, ‘I shall pour my blessings on your race.’  God will bless you also.  He will grant you joy and peace.  Implore him earnestly everyday and the Lord who blessed me and my family will surely bestow His blessings on you and your family.
                                                   …. Published in Oct 1994, LWE 2000
·        I participated in the KLWC prayer meeting held in my town wherein I saw an inexpressible vision. Throughout the praise and worship session as the whole congregation was offering praises to Lord Jesus, I had a vision of the Resurrected Jesus lifting His Holy Hands and bestrewing heavenly glow onto His children who sat engrossed in praise. After seeing this vision I was filled with unexplainable joy.  I gratefully offer a thousand praises to Lord Jesus who opened my eyes to see this marvel. Praise the Lord! Alleluia!
                                                   …. Published in Feb-March 1996, LWE 2000

                                                                                    …. (to be continued)                             

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"