Friday, 14 August 2015



The Holy Bible says, “The Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22)

Humility & self-control

The Prophet Zechariah jubilantly proclaimed about the future King – Christ the Messiah. “Look your King is coming to you!  He comes triumphant and victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey.”     (Zech. 9 :9)

Lord Jesus said, “Happy are those who are humble, they will receive what God has promised.” (Matt 5:5)

Mother Mary sang the hymn of praise to God when He was pleased with her loyalty.  Lord Jesus comforts us saying, “Come to me all of you …… I am gentle and humble in spirit and you will find rest.”

Pure wisdom produces the fruit of humility.  The anointed apostles were skilled with humility and they even instructed their followers to practice humility and gentleness. 

St. Paul says, “We were gentle when we were with you like a mother taking care of her children.” 
The manner in which with great sacrifice they took care of their virtues is also a lesson for us.  Paul wants his fellow workers not to speak evil of anyone but to be peaceful and friendly always to show a gentle attitude towards everyone.  Be always humble, gentle and patient.  Show your love being tolerant with one another.  (Eph. 4:2)

God pours out His marvelous blessings on those who own humbleness.  King David says, ‘God defends the right of helpless and they may prosper forever.  God honors the humble with victory and remembers always the loyal servants.  He lifted up the lowly and filled the hungry with good things.”

Take your part in suffering as a loyal soldier of Christ.  A soldier on active service wants to please his commanding officer.  Similarly, one who carries his hardship of life with a gentle attitude can obtain God’s blessings hidden it.

The Prophet Isaiah pronounced about the tolerance of King Jesus.  “He was treated harshly, but endured it humbly; He never said a word. Like a lamb about to be slaughtered, like a sheep about to be sheared, he never said a word.’ (Isaiah 53: 7)

For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid, instead His Spirit fills us with the power of love and self control.  
So St. Paul reminds us to keep alive the gift that God gave you.  He calls the power of God as spirit of self control.  It has a good role to make you active and effective in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 1:6).  One who is being born in the Holy Spirit has been gifted with the gift of self control.

Dear faithful ones in Christ, let’s understand the fact that God loves us, He helps us, but He will not force us.  The Lord always leads us but the devil always pushes us.  We can notice in the first book of Holy Bible God created man being of spirit, soul and body.  But through temptations the devil turned the man around body, soul and spirit. Here we can hear the cry of God our Creator. Then the Lord said, ‘I will not allow people to live forever.  They are mortal.’ 

So start seeking God! He can certainly anoint you and come back to Him earnestly by hearing His call for, ‘Return’.

Let us conclude this session with some testimonies:
Participating earnestly in KLWC prayer service I came to know about myself, enabling me to abandon my mistakes and accept the cross of my daily life whole heartedly. No sooner had I received the faith to put my refuge in the care and concern of my Lord, my husband was blessed with a better job with more facilities. I glorify the Lord!! By granting a better job to him, Lord imparted more satisfaction to me! Through another miracle God revealed that if we share the difficulties of life with more mutual understanding, then family life will be far more content. As far as Christian family and community are concerned, sharing the burden, developing care and concern for one another by uprooting the roots of selfish motives, increases the luster of true faith. Through KLWC service Lord Rises up to the fullness of His glory, definitely imparting comfort to people and it gives immense joy to share the burden of this service.  I thank and praise the Almighty and Loving God.  May His Name be blessed forever. Alleluia!!
…published in August 1995 Issue, LWE 2000

“Refrain from anger and forsake wrath, do not fret it leads only to evil.” (Ps.37:8)  
Immense anger and sorrow surrounded me always.  On 19/5/1996 when I attended the KLWC prayer service, the discomforts which troubled my mind for many years began to fall off one by one when the anointed persons began the praise and worship.   Within 5-10 minutes of worship, my hatred, anger and sorrow deep within vanished away.  I began to experience great joy, peace and patience.  I realized the truth that  when I had only sat along with the people who were praising God such miracles were performed, then how much blessings will be given to those who themselves praise God.  This thought led me to follow a life of praise. I glorify the Highest Name of God.

…published in August 1996 Issue, LWE 2000
In the month of August 1994, I was struck with acute back ache and advised bed rest, so we moved to my mother’s village with an intention to get better care. My mother, who knew about the KLWC prayer services, dialed them to drop a petition as my pain had severely increased. On their instructions, I was brought to the prayer ground. On reaching the vicinity itself, I could feel a new strength within me. When Respected Sister approached and asked me to praise the name of Jesus, while placing her hands on my head. That spur of moment, I felt the touch of Jesus and forgot everything. All I heard then was a voice asking me to get up and walk in the name of Jesus. I obeyed it!!  Those standing around me began to praise and rejoice in the Lord.  All my pain, numbness of my leg, pulling of nerves, and stiffness of my body all vanished away.  The joy within me began to flow out as drops of tears.  Along with many others I too began pour gratitude and happiness to glorify the Lord.  Alleluia! I exalt your Mighty Name!  Indeed unexplainable was the joy and contentment of my relatives and all those who had seen me sick in bed.  I am a witness of the truth that the Lord Jesus is alive and active even today.  Through me many are given opportunity to come to the real faith and receive blessings through this service.  Glory to God!  Today in the Name of Jesus with great courage, the Lord enables me to lead those who are sorrowful, troubled and oppressed to this prayer service as a servant of peace.  Praise the Lord.  I offer bountiful praises and gratitude to my Lord for this Mighty Grace and believe that the Holy Spirit strengthens us to lead a sinless life. The Lord enables me to forgive everything and also to love everyone.  Anger, hatred, laziness, pride all other such bad habits have departed and I am able to pray for others.  I learnt a truth; it is the famine of Word of God, which puts us into distress.  Abandon laziness and come to this cool shade of power of Living Word which has been prepared and set out for each one.  Praise the Lord!  Alleluia. 
“Leave all your worries with Him, because He cares for you.  Be alert! Be on watch! ... Humble yourself then under God’s mighty hand so that He will lift you up in His own good time” (1 Peter)
                           ……….. Published in May 1996 Issue, LWE 2000

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