Thursday, 14 January 2016



The Holy Bible says, “…… “Speak; your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10)

Greeting to all my young readers!

Your enthusiastic self desire to blossom as an active bud in the Lord’s vineyard stirred immense joy within me!

Aditya’s zeal and great contentment made everyone cheerful. Thanks to you, child! May Lord inspire and bring many more like you to be blessed. Let’s sing praises in gratitude to our Abba Father who gifted you parents who have great reverence and fear of God.

I am sure there are many more who would love to share their suggestions but might be hesitant. Never mind! Do come forward without any apprehension. What truly matters is that we share the grace He merits us through our weakness.

In the course of Advent Activities, Lord Jesus gifted you with an urge to assist the needy; filled your tiny hearts with compassion that recited a prayer for them. It is indeed worth appreciating your good efforts.

It is always better to have a clear insight on why do we insist you to lend a helping hand to the genuinely sick and poor around you. When Lord Jesus was of your age, He would notice there were many who were rejected or pleading for help; and He made it a point to comfort them by offering small help and prayed to God for their well being.

When he grew up and engrossed in His Mission, as we read in the Holy Bible, He, moved with compassion, healed everyone who approached Him. He would show love and concern by restoring what they required. The Lord’s heart would be overjoyed with peace as He could wipe out their suffering.

Similarily, through the Advent activities, you too became God’s fellow workers. Inwardly and externally the joy continues to instigate you to do more and more for others through the Lord.

I would suggest you all to polish your behaviors and attitude as through your deeds you would be silently witnessing your Living God  who cares for everyone.  His name is Immanuel- God is with us!

Begin your day with a small prayer thanking Lord for the day and then offer everyone and every schedule to Him. Fulfill your daily responsibilities without your parents and  other’s compulsion. Be sure to have fun while playing. When the time to study ticks, invite the Lord to sit beside you and place all your worries in Him. His wisdom will assist your little fingers in your home-works and enlighten your brain to grasp all that is taught. Be helpful to those who are weak in their studies by doing so, your friends too will benefit the Lord’s blessings through you. Before you sleep, bow to the Lord in gratitude for a fulfilling day.

May your arising innocent prayers lead many to the truth.

Our team consists of many junior silent warriors and you too could be a part of it. Be sure to pray to the Infant Jesus, who would be registering your name too. We look forward to welcome many of you soon!

As a bird needs a pair of wings to fly, so is knowledge and wisdom to a prayer warrior.

May St. Maria Goretti and St. Dominic Savio- the representatives of our junior warriors intercede for you.  

O child Jesus, my Lord and good teacher, I a student have come to your presence. I surrender to you my studies and all its burdens. Help me to study wholeheartedly. Bless those students who do not have the right ambience to do their studies. O! Good Jesus, who helps me, I offer millions of thanks to you. Praise you Jesus! I love you Jesus! Halleluia! Amen.

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"