Friday, 29 January 2016

The Holy Bible says, “When the net is full, they pull it to the shore and sit down to divide the fish; the good ones into their buckets….”  (Matthew 13:48)

Jesus Christ educated His disciples and the public about the value of the Kingdom of God in easy to understand manner and often He would explicate via His teachings that the Kingdom of Heaven would be similar to that of a fisherman’s net that would gather all kinds of fish- good and the bad. Two thousand years ago, when He called his fishermen turned disciples to follow Him, He told them that He would teach them to catch men. This call amazed and caught their interests and they set out to follow Lord Jesus. Three years of His coaching and they became scholars in His Mission. They began to spread wide the net of Heavenly Spirit of truth and cleared His way to the Father in Heaven. This mission continues and will continue till the end of age. In this parable our Lord says, the fishermen waited till their net is full with all kinds of fish. Pulling it then to the shore, they separate the catch; the good ones are collected in their buckets while the bad are thrown away. Likewise our Almighty God gives a chance to each of us through various incidents of our daily toil to seek the truth and follow the right path. Jesus Christ continues to explain that at the end of the age, the holy angels would appear to gather the evil populace from among the good ones to throw them into the fiery furnace; where they will cry and grind their teeth.  But before all this would happen, all mankind from every corner of the earth will be attracted to the Good News of Eternal Salvation by the Mercy of our Father in Heaven. His Everlasting Love for us – He sent His Son Jesus Christ among us in the form of a human in order that we follow His path to victory. Here let us reflect how to succeed in life!

Jesus Christ who is the Truth, without any deceitfulness, defeated the cunning devil before His Mission. Baptized with water and Holy Spirit, from the appointed person, John the Baptist(Matthew 3:13-16). Lord Jesus taught us that no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of the water and Spirit. (John 3:5). Jesus then decided to fast and pray where the devil was waiting for an opportunity to attack Him. After forty days of fast, when Lord Jesus was hungry, the devil sneaked near Him saying, “O son of God Why don’t you command these stones to become bread?” Lord Jesus confessed and shooting an arrow of appropriate answer conquered the devil. He said, “The Scripture says, ‘Man cannot live on bread alone, but needs every word that God speaks.’ ” Dear devotees of Christ, through this experience our Lord teaches us how to gain control over our temporary desires. When our Father in Heaven led our ancestors He would send them hardships to test their obedience towards His commands. God would make them hungry, but at the right time He gave them Manna, the tastiest food they ever relished. He did this to educate us that man must not depend merely on bodily desires to sustain, but on everything that Lord says. (Deuteronomy 8)  Likewise, Lord Jesus, the Supreme Lord of all lords defeated the satan by quoting the Holy Scriptures from the Old testament – the Life Giving command of our Supreme God and taught us the same. St. Paul on numerous instances reminds that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and  you are to use it for God’s glory. Your body is not to be used for indecent, filthy actions or immoral and adulterous living. Lord Jesus teaches us the importance of gaining self control over temptations and desires of your body by using the suitable Word of God.  The devil again tried his chance by taking Lord Jesus to the highest point of the Temple saying, “Throw yourself down, God will protect you by ordering His angels about it.”  Seeing through the devil’s trick Our Lord once again silences him quoting the Holy Scriptures, “Do not put your God to the test.” (Deuteronomy 6:16) Yes, my dear ones, the Lord time and again through this instance  warns us never to be proud of something that you have received freely. Instead it is your duty to praise and thank your Daily Provider at all times and be loyal to Him.

Again the devil in a final attempt says to the Holy Lord that he would confer all his kingdom to Him only if Lord Jesus would down kneel and worship Him; the devil was well aware this is against the first commandment of our Sovereign God. Our Lord rebukes and banishes the devil by quoting the commandment. With this confrontation our Lord tutors us never to adulterate our worship towards anything or anyone except the Magnificent God. When we bow in submission and worship Him; His power, glory and holiness fills in us and our point of view changes. A true worship signifies that you propose yourself as an offertory a living sacrifice to your Creator, dedicated to His service and to please Him.  Then God will transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind.

( be continued)

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"