Friday, 15 January 2016



“The king will reply, ‘I tell you whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me.’”  (Matthew 25:45)

There lived a happy go lucky boy in himself. He would not find any pleasure in involving himself in other’s matters nor was he the first one to rush to help others. He distanced himself from any social activities or whiling away his time with friends. Studies were all that mattered to him and he excelled in it.

An incident in his school life where a group of his classmates poked fun at his behaviour made him much more introvert and soon he infected by the ghost of the incident turned it as his weapon too. Though he would not deliberately hurt anyone, but sharp words would shoot from his lips that would hurt those around him. 

He had a younger brother who unlike him was surrounded by friends, partook in all activities of his age and was an extrovert.

Now, it so happened that in their town a newly begun mission group was emerging. Prayers were made interesting, spiritual classes for the youth were held, the distressed were comforted, the sick healed, and those in search of consoling words were reassured. People confined under the dark power of black magic, witchcraft, superstitions were unknotted and came to the light of truth. Soon the mission was the talk of the town and people young and old were trying to be a part of it. As a part of the Christmas celebrations, this mission decided to introduce carol singing for the Christmas Eve. Invitations were sent out for children, youth and mothers.

Now the younger brother, who had slowly tiptoed in to the group, soon became an active member and was eager to pull his brother too into it. This invitation was the apt time.

Soon, under the compulsion of his younger brother, he too for the first time stepped in. The unity of the group was observed. He soon began to feel welcomed as he saw how each one participated according to their individuality, taste and skill. Though he had arrived just some moments back, he did not feel rejected or neglected. He saw how the people around him of different personality were busy partaking in the celebrations. Amazed and attracted he participated. Feeling of belonging circled him.

Before too long he found himself rescheduling his routine. He looked for opportunities to catch up with some activities in the mission.

He began to partake in the Sunday afternoon praise and worship followed by Bible sharing fellowship which was held for students and working youth. Tremendous changes began in his behaviour and soon did his concept of being united. He would feel comfortable among the team members; their gentleness and pleasing attitude made him feel welcome all the more; their spiritual experiences made him want to experience it. The thirst to be the same among them made him attend an inner healing prayer.

Through this inner healing prayer the Lord touched his life. It gave him an mirror view to his life. As I, the founder of the Mission group took each series of life, Jesus the Healer, walked through his life, cleansing, bandaging and anointing with the ointment of His Holy Spirit each phase of it. He was set free from many egoistic complex, lack of fluency and fear to face people etc to some extent. Pains and aches of life were eased while tears of joy, spiritual experiences and contentment on discovering the Lord filled the room.

Slowly, he began extending forgiveness to those who hurt him and in return expressed gratitude for making him an open hearted person. Under the Lord’s direction, he submitted all his skills and knowledge to the Lord’s service.

The change in his approach, attitude and response towards God and people made him a faithful silent warrior of KLWC and still fighting daily to expand his heart and life towards those who are like him.  It did not take much time for him to realise how well and kind were his neighbours and brothers. They never boasted about their knowledge nor refrained from sharing their knowledge of truth about the Lord. They welcomed him and involved him wholeheartedly in serving the Lord together.

Dear friends, do you see yourself in him? Do you find yourself thinking why to bother in other’s need when I am self sufficient?

Accurate your thoughts, dear friends!

You are leading yourself to the shore of self righteousness, pride and loneliness. Once you reach this shore the waves of chronic depression and other tragedies are ready to engulf you.

From the message of Lord Jesus we are continually made conscious that we owe love to each other and mercy without any exemption. Do not take revenge on anyone or continually hate them.

From the above incident, we saw how the boy reacted to the insult thrown at him by his classmates. He forced himself to avoid them. The seed of hatredness which he sowed in his mind sprouted gradually to bear grudge, revenge, disregarding and neglecting everyone, including his parents, siblings and self. He began to feel inferior and so closed the doors of his heart to others. But God in his mercy did not abandon him and gave him contentment.

The Holy Bible explains that, “Whoever does not love is still under the power of death.”  After predicting his betrayal Lord Jesus gave a new commandment to his beloved disciples, “Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” 

Lord Jesus knows that each one of us desires heaven and then we tend we take a shortcut to it. Youth has been linked to pride, boasting and want of liberty.

(To be continued......)

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"