The Holy Bible
says, “When the net is full, they pull it to the shore and sit down to divide
the fish; the good ones into their buckets….”
(Matthew 13:48)
The first creation, Adam and Eve could not foresee
and overcome the cunning plan of Satan, where as Lord Jesus demonstrated that
using the Word of God as a sharp weapon mankind can overcome the world and its
power. Those led by God’s Spirit are God’s
sons; while those who live according to the human desires are surely going to
perish. Preparing yourself for the Eternal Reward is sure to raise an internal
fight to overcome the lust of your eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride in
gaining something and everything of this world. The fruit that God forbade them
to eat was always in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve never felt the fruit as
attractive as they were under the command of God’s glory. They had so much to
enjoy in the marvellous creation with like mindedness and same opinion. It was
only when they lend a ear to satan’s explanation of the fruit they were
attracted to it and disobeyed God. Consuming the fruit opened their eyes to all
dreadful views. Dislike towards each other, difference in opinion cropped up,
dissatisfaction arose, aware of the things they lacked, sadness made place
where joy once reigned; love gave way to hatred. In their supremacy of
ignorance, they began to find fault in God’s creation- forgetting their origin
of existence. The veil of God’s glory
was torn off and destroyed by the
cheater who still gains access to each one and continues his destructive work
in us all.
Our Lord then began His mission delightfully by
preaching His message,“Turn away from your sins, because the Kingdom of Heaven
is here,” demonstrating to us how to win
over the world and its tempting powers. Through
the Incarnated Word of God, Lord Jesus brought goodness of joy to all the
people and in His Name the message of repentance and forgiveness of sin must be
preached to all nations. God, the Lord of all, richly blesses the Jews as well
as the Gentiles and all those who call out to Him, without any partiality.
Every Apostle had the divine opportunity to enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven except
for Judas Iscariot who became a bad fish in the net and lost the eternal
reward. Likewise, the holy invitation is sent to all by the Divine Host and it
is our responsibility to accept the invite, carefully guard the precious
treasure that is handed over to us and be prepared to give away each and
everything that belongs to the world to safeguard our Eternal Fortune. As
mentioned above, Lord Jesus has already taught us the basic qualities that are
required to enter the Kingdom of God. (John 3:5)Through the Apostles, everyone
in Jerusalem was familiar with the extraordinary miracles performed by Lord
Jesus; meanwhile the Scriptures do clear that some of them did not believe in
it. The Heavenly Kingdom of God that Lord Jesus introduced and acquainted to us
is entitled to all who live in His justice.
Ponder yourself with these questions: Do I belong to
the Kingdom of Heaven as a good fish caught by the disciple of Lord Jesus?
If not, how can I transform myself into a good one?
Though I have heard about the love and concern of
Lord Jesus Christ, yet what could it be that is forbidding me to follow Him?
Let us once again walk through the Garden of Eden and
see the occurrence after the disobedience of our ancestors Adam and Eve.
Sovereign God in His utmost affection for his children humbles Himself to visit
and walk with them as day by day. But after the disobedience, human being, the
prime of His creation loses their virtue and are aware of their ungodliness to
stand in front of their Creator. The absence of holiness forbids them from
partaking in His life. This is also one of the concerns why certain people
cannot remain steadily in God’s presence. Even today, God visits us, but we,
mere human, find excuses to hide from Him due to the uncleanness of our
soul. No one wishes to be an unclean or a
rotten fish which is good only to be thrown to the fiery furnace. Forgetting
that the enemy is within us we often prepare ourselves for a battle to evade thinking
that our enemies from outside would attack us.
So let us begin our fight against the forces that
lead us to ugliness by casting the thief out; covering yourself then, with the
veil of God’s glory can transform you into a glorious fish in the Basket that
would be carried by the holy angels to welcoming Heaven where we would be enthroned
and crowned.
May the Lord bless
you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look
on you with favour and give you peace.
With love filled blessings,
Your Sister in Christ
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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"