Monday, 31 August 2015


The Holy Bible says, “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God. (1 Cor. 6:19)

“Jesus went all over Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, preaching the Good News about the Kingdom, and healing people who had all kinds of disease and sickness. The news about Him spread through the whole country of Syria, so that people brought to Him all those who were sick, suffering from all kinds of diseases and disorders: people with demons, and epileptics, and paralytics – and Jesus healed them all.” (Matthew 4:23-24)

“He did this to make to make what the Prophet Isaiah had said come true, ‘He Himself took our sickness and carried away our diseases.’ (Matthew 8:17)


May I use this opportunity to glorify the name of Good Lord Jesus who raised Lazarus from the dead from the grave, who gave sight to the blind, gave life to the dead and strengthened the paralysed man!

With a grateful heart I thank and glorify the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was through the Bible Convention held in January 1996 that I came to be acquainted about this mighty KLWC prayer service.  Among all the preaching held during the 4 days of convention the personal experience and testimony shared by Respected Sister is still vividly fresh in my mind.

The rapt attention of the listeners who were enthralled by the first experience of infilling of the Holy Spirit of Respected Sister during the Holy Mass astonished me very much and even my heart began to thirst to experience God. 

The honesty of each word that had been experienced in her life and her faithfulness towards the Word of God was definitely worth believing.  That testimony is fresh in my mind even today, and it helps me to be faithful towards God with an ardent thirst of renewal.

In the month of February that year, my brother was struck by a serious illness. The sickness of my brother who had been in good health and fine job induced fear into everyone’s heart.  He was admitted into a most well equipped hospital of Kerala.  

After taking 5 injections amounting to Rs.25,000/- and other costly medicines some improvement was noticed in his health.  The doctors assured that he would regain his remaining health through physiotherapy and soon was discharged with some instructions.

However, very shortly my brother experienced breathlessness and later he delved into the pitiful state of having to use ventilator.  For almost 15 days he lay still as ‘dead’.  Doctors made the statement that there was no hope of gaining life.

Suddenly, it seemed that someone was inspiring me from within to inform Respected Sister about the situation.  I was troubled as I did not know to how I should contact her.  I received a special courage from Lord and first I spoke to her husband on the phone, who asked me to call later in the night. While conversing with Respected Sister I was given certain instructions. One among them made me realise the realities that are evident in God's servants. 

At that instance, the secrets behind the growth of KLWC were being revealed to me.  Into her being, Sister accepts every tearful prayer requests that comes to her, as though they were her own tear itself.  I became conscious of the truth that anointed Sister has prepared to accept both in arms and lips the way to offer to the Lord innumerable flowers of pain and sufferings involved to gladden the hearts of them and their family members.  As I spoke to sister for a minute I realised the faithfulness, humility and the great joy experienced in bearing pain to glorify the Lord. 

Dear Sister Prophesised that within 24 hours my brother would begin to show movements of the limbs. 

My dear believers, the very next day, I received a telephone message from Kerala, the Lord has performed a miracle.  My brother has come out from the serious situation.  He has begun to move his hands and legs. Praise be to God!  At that time my eyes began to overflow.

Why say more, my brother whose entire body was paralysed and which had become lifeless, regained consciousness. Merely, by the mercy of Lord all the nerves in the body began to function.  Paralysis has been totally healed.

My dear friends, in those days one of the incident which amazed me largely was that Respected Sister would inform me about the condition and all the present anxieties prevailing over my brother who lay in a hospital 2500 kms away. Later when I used to call them in Kerala on phone I used to realise that whatever Respected Sister said was absolutely true.

The Lord Jesus not only granted comfort to the sick.  My sister-in-law who was pregnant gained great comfort and peace of mind.  Lord granted safe delivery and has protected both the child and the mother.  Construction of the house which was not being completed was taken over by the Lord.  The anxiety, fear and trouble of his own mother who was broken-hearted as she had witnessed these incidents were calmed by the Lord.

I used to often call up home to know about my brother’s condition.  But unexpectedly once when I met Respected Sister, she enquired, “Has your brother begun to go to work.  With a briefcase in hand he has got down the stairs. Is there any news?” 

Yes dear ones, it was my brother’s journey towards Divine Retreat Centre, which Respected Sister had foreseen.  Praise the Lord! Glory to God in the Highest. 
We received the news that Lord Jesus has given total healing and has blessed my brother to lead a joyful family life. Praise the Lord!

This prayer group which the Lord has mercifully blessed is definitely very unique. May the Lord bring progress in these servants who are totally devoid of all human intentions. I have learnt many good things as an example from them. ‘My mercy will forever rest upon him’, the Lord who says so, may reside with every sick. Oh! Lord with my whole heart I thank you. Halleluiah!! 
-----Published in September 1996 Issue, LWE 2000 

Sunday, 30 August 2015


Second Letter of Peter was written in response to a young church stray from Christ’s clear teaching. A keyword ‘knowledge’ echoes throughout this letter. He refreshes the reader’s memory regarding the proper knowledge that makes possible everything we need for life and godliness.

The Second Letter from Simon Peter, Servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ. To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have been given a faith as precious as ours, may grace and peace be yours in full measure through your knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
God’s Call and Choice

God’s divine power has given us everything we need to live a truly righteous life through our knowledge of the One who called us to share in His own glory and goodness.  In this way He has given us the very great and precious gifts He promised, so that by means of these gifts you may escape from the destructive lust that is in the world and may come to share the divine nature.  For this very reason do your best to add goodness to your faith; to your goodness add knowledge; to your knowledge add self control; and to your self control add endurance; and to your endurance add godliness; and to your godliness add brotherly affection; and to your brotherly affection add love.  These are the qualities you need, and if you have them in abundance, they will make you active and effective in your knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ.  But whoever does not have them is so short-sighted that he cannot see and has forgotten that he has been purified from his past sins.

So then, my brothers, try even harder to make God’s call and His choice of you a permanent experience; if you do so, you will never abandon your faith.  In this way you will be given the full right to enter the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

And so I will always remind you of these matters, even though you already know them and are firmly grounded in the truth you have received.  I think it only right for me to stir up your memory of these matters as long as I am still alive.  I know that I shall soon put off this mortal body as our Lord Jesus Christ plainly told me.  I will do my best then to provide a way for you to remember these matters at all times after my death. (2 Peter 1:1-15)
This is the Word of God

Thanks be to Lord

Saturday, 29 August 2015


A Prayer for Help

Help us, Lord! There is not a good man left;
honest men can no longer be found.
All of them lie to one another;
they deceive each other with flattery.

Silence those flattering tongues, O Lord!
Close those boastful mouths that say,
“With our words we get what we want.
We will say what we wish
and no one can stop us.”

“But now I will come,” says the Lord
“because the needy are oppressed
And the persecuted groan in pain.
I will give them the security they long for.”

The promises of the Lord can be trusted;
they are as genuine as silver
refined seven times in the furnace.

Wicked men are everywhere,
and everyone praises what is evil.
Keep us always safe, O Lord
And preserve us from such people. 

 Kindly Note:
As per the message from God of KLWC, our team will be conducting an in-house 48 hours fasting prayer service from the 28th Aug 2015 to 30th Aug 2015.  Your Thanksgivings and Prayer Requests are welcome. 

Friday, 28 August 2015


The Holy Bible says, “Avoid sin as if it were a snake.  If you get too near it will sink its teeth into your soul like a lion and destroy you” (Sirach 21:2)

The reverence and fear of God create fear of sin that is the consciousness of our lawless acts that hurt our Heavenly Father-who loves each one of us as His own son and daughter, more than our own mother. It teaches us that if we depend on our own strength a fall awaits us.

A childlike dependence towards God is prompt in this gift.  It is not the fear of punishment or shame of insults, etc. but it stems up from our emotional displeasure towards hurting God, who showers motherly love upon us, that we ought to apply self control not only in deeds, but also in his words and thoughts. One must seek, work and search with a thirsty heart to obtain this gift. 

Though Reverence for God and Fear of God may seem alike but the work of these two gifts – when intervene with God and His services with piety produces an amazing spiritual joy in a person to exhale the fear of God that produces tremendous courage to avoid evil ways.

A person who fears God will surely obey Him because it is painful for him to displease God.  For example, it was not so easy for Abraham to sacrifice his son to God.  The pain in displeasing God made him to pick up the knife to sacrifice his son.  “There the angel of God called him from heaven, “Abraham, Abraham……..don’t hurt the boy or do anything to him….. Now I know that you honor and obey God because you have not kept back your only son for me.” (Gen.22)

Fear of God allows the person to obey everything God commands.  The thought that - even a minute disobedience can give pain to God will make the person conscious about his deeds and keep on doing penance for the purification of his actions and even for others.

“Because of you I am afraid; I am filled with fear because of your judgment.”  (Psalms 119:120)

Fear of God cannot tolerate fraud, partiality or taking of bribes.  The Holy Bible says, “Sinners have not known the path of peace nor they have learned reverence for God.”  (Romans) 

The one who fears God rejects every wickedness of men.  So then let us purify ourselves from everything that makes our body or soul unclean and let us be completely holy by living in awe of God.  Fear of God is the origin of wisdom and understanding. 

It is rigid for an ordinary person to understand the attitudes and actions of a pious personality. Kindness and loyal submissiveness can be seen in their actions. Submit yourself to one another because of your reverence for Christ.

Let us take the example of life of Christ Jesus.  “You have authority over me only because it was given to you by God”.  Here Lord Jesus submits His life to the authorities according to the will of God. 

The Fear of God always inspires in one’s heart, “Death than sin.”  Martyrdom of St. Maria Goretti is an inspiring example of Fear of God.
So serve the Lord with fear, be holy in all that you do, just as God who calls you is holy.

St. Paul says about the state of one who is not lead by the power of God.
 “I am a mortal man, sold as a slave to sin.  I do not understand what I do.  For I don’t do what I would like to do, but instead I do what I hate.….. This means it is the sin that lives in me…..  My inner being delights in the law of God, but I see a different law at work. What an unhappy man I am.  Who will rescue me from this body that is taking me to death? (Rom 7)
The Bible says, “Physical exercise has got some value but spiritual exercise is more valuable in every way because it promises life both for the present and the future.” (1Tim. 4:8)

 So keep yourself training for a godly life.  If you decide a word against your sinful life it will help you to turn away. 

But along with your decision, if you tell your God to send His grace upon you, He will guard the decision taken by you and you will achieve success. 

The Holy Bible says, “For we do not know how we ought to pray.  The Spirit himself pleads with God for us in groans that word cannot express and God who sees into our hearts knows what the thought of the Spirit is, because the Spirit pleads with God on behalf of his people and in accordance with His will.”  (Rom 8:26)

Kindly Note:
As per the message from God of KLWC, our team will be conducting an in-house 48 hours fasting prayer service from the 28th Aug 2015 to 30th Aug 2015.  Your Thanksgivings and Prayer Requests are welcome.  

Thursday, 27 August 2015


Those who are led by God’s spirit are God’s son.” (Rom 8:14)

A pious person is faithful to God as well as to his co-brothers. 

He does all his duties towards God and to his status wholeheartedly and faithfully. Since it is the gift of God, the person having this virtue is called the child of God. 

The mutual love between a son and father are relevant vividly in this blessing.

The experience of immeasurable love of God is beyond the control of human mind and it overflows in the form of tears.  It is so deep that nothing can separate him from the Love of God. 

St. Paul was a faithful servant of God who said once, “Who then can separate us from the love of Christ?  Can trouble do it or hardship or persecution or hunger or poverty or danger or death?  (Rom 8:35)

The gift of piety grants us the strength to tolerate the trials and troubles of day to day life.  Even in the midst of severe hardships one can confess his faith courageously. 

The Holy Spirit is also known as the ‘God of Reverence”.  The Holy Bible says reverence for the Lord is one of the greatest treasures.  God alone trains this gift to His children. “Come young friends and listen to me.  I will teach you to honor your Lord.”  (Psalms 34)

A pious person is able to please his God and enjoy prolonged conversation with Him, as well as obtain a generous heart.  The way to become wise is to honor the Lord.

 St. Paul says, “For what is life?  To me it is Christ, death will bring more.”  (Phil 1: 21)
A pious man would love to sacrifice his life for Christ. In whatever circumstances he is, he chooses the Will of God cheerfully and enjoy praising Him at all times. 

Lord Jesus says, “I always do what pleases Him.”  (John 8:29)
Once Lord Jesus plainly explained to His disciples, “My food is to obey the will of the One who sent me and to finish the work He gave me to do.”  (John 4:34). 
In great anguish also Lord Jesus prayed more fervently, “Not My will, however but Your will be done.”  (Luke 22:42)

Through the above verses Lord Jesus teach us the gifts of Holy Spirit are essential to loyally obey God’s law which is beneficial for us. A pious man can love God’s laws more than he loves himself.

The example of a brave mother and her seven sons encouraging each other to die for the sake of their faithfulness to God is worth meditating.  The mother was the most amazing person who deserves a special place is our memory.  She endured her 7 sons’ cruel death in a single day for the sake of their great trust in God.  She encouraged her sons to die for their faith. She said to them, “I don’t know how your life began in my womb.  She would say, “I was not the one who gave life and breath and put together each part of your body.”  (2 Macc. 7: 22)

Here we can see the reverence of God gives courage to a person to be obedient to God and his authorities till death.  The natural way of obedience will take root in a person when God writes His laws into his heart (Jeremiah 31).  Reverence for the Lord is holy and it has to live forever.

 “To honor the Lord is to hate evil such as pride, arrogance, all evil ways and false words.”  (Prov. 8:13)

The gift of reverence is the key to wisdom and fear of God.  Whoever learns to practice the reverence of God knows the path of peace. (Rom 3 : 17-18).

“Reverence for Lord is the fountain on life which gives confidence and security to a man and his family” (Prov. 14:26)
“Obey the Lord, be humble and you will get riches, honor and a long life.”  (Prov. 22: 4)

God prepares a banquet for him were all his enemies can see it and a good fortune awaits him.  Whoever seeks, receives the gift of piety.  

The Holy Bible says, “Look for it as hard as you would for silver or some hidden treasure.”

The Lord Jesus stood up and said in a loud voice, “Whoever is thirsty should come to Me and drink it.”  One can experience the flow of streams of love of God in his life through the gift of reverence of God.

Kindly Note:

As per the message from God of KLWC, our team will be conducting an in-house 48 hours fasting prayer service from the 28th Aug 2015 to 30th Aug 2015.  Your Thanksgivings and Prayer Requests are welcome.  

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


“May grace and peace be yours in full measure through your knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.”     (2 Peter 1: 2)

The gift of knowledge helps us to know the spiritual welfare of a person.  Those blessed with this virtue gets the wisdom to do what is best in God’s sight as well as to omit that which displeases Him.  It also enables him to have intense thirst to know more about the mysteries of salvation and a desire to reach God and rest in His arms. 

The Psalmist says, “I wish I had wings like a dove, I would fly away and find rest. I would fly far away and live in the wilderness.  I would quickly find myself shelter from the raging wind and the storm………… I see violence and riots in the city surrounding it day and night.” (Psalms 55:6-9)

Reaching Eternity leaving all the perishable profits and pleasure will be the aim of his living. 

St. Augustine was blessed with the gift of knowledge.  The moment he tasted the love of God, he understood it is the sweetest and happiest enjoyment one can achieve in this world.  God’s love made possible a continual process of repentance in him.  Never again did he turn against God’s love.  Praise the Lord!

The gift of knowledge assists one to proclaim the glory and beauty of God unceasingly. What St. Paul who, once found happiness in persecuting the Lord and his people, emphatically says after his conversion is notable.  “Not only those things, I reckon everything as complete loss for the sake of what is so much more valuable, the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for His sake I have thrown everything I consider it all as mere refuse, so that I may gain Christ.”

The gift of knowledge is also a richest virtue from God and He gives it to us through His Son Jesus Christ.  He created everything with His knowledge and brought us out of darkness through the knowledge of God.  The Son of God is the treasury of knowledge.  “He is the key that opens all the hidden treasures of God’s wisdom and knowledge.”  (Col. 2: 3)

So when we live in Christ Jesus in a trustworthy manner and with thanksgiving, we allow His spirit to abide within us.  St. Paul instructs us, “Ask the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Glorious Father to give you the Spirit who will make you wise and reveal God to you so that you will know Him.”  (Eph. 1:17)

God Himself is knowledge, so the more you seek God, He reveals Himself to us.  So the Holy Bible insists us to pray for the knowledge and constantly seek for it.  God fills His children with His gifts. 

To obtain the gift of Knowledge it is very essential to fulfill God’s Will by listening to the Word of God, to mingle with His anointed devotees and to behave in a proper manner with everyone.

 “For in union with Christ you have become rich in all things including all speech and all knowledge.”  (1 Cor. 1: 5)

The gift of knowledge will make you strong and active. A person blessed with this gift is bestowed with discernment, humility, self-control, joy and peace and will grow in piety and love of God. 

An individual anointed with this gift will truly love God although he has not seen Him and he will believe in Him although he does not now see Him. He rejoices with a great and glorious joy which words cannot express.

The Bible explains about the pathetic state of the fall of a gifted one.  “If people have escaped from the corrupting forces of the world through their knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then are again caught and conquered by them, such people are in a worse state at the end than they were at the beginning.”  (2 Peter 2: 20)

So the Bible says that it would have been much better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than to know it and then turn away from the holy gifts.  St. Paul says “For there is no longer any sacrifice that will take away sin, if we purposely go on sinning after the truth has been made known to us.” (Heb. 10:26)

The Holy Bible states that it is difficult to regain these blessed gifts, if we lose it due to negligence or careless behavior. Those who neglect the gift of knowledge are called as ‘foolish’ by the Holy Scriptures.
“Foolish people! How long do you want to be foolish?  How long will you enjoy pouring scorn on knowledge? Will you never learn?  Listen when I reprimand you, I will give you good advice and share my knowledge with you.  Pay attention when I correct you so then you will get what you deserve and your own actions will make you sick.  Experienced people die because they reject wisdom.  Stupid people are destroyed by their own lack of concern, but whoever listens to me will have security, he will be safe, with no reason to be afraid.”  (Sirach 1)
“It is true of course that ‘all of us have knowledge,’ however, such knowledge, puffs a person up with pride; but love builds up.  Whoever thinks he knows something really doesn't know as he ought to know.  But the person who loves God is known by Him.” (1Cor. 8:1-3)
So let us love one another and accept the gift of knowledge which can rebuild us in Christ.  Try to arouse pure thoughts in your minds which can create the qualities of God our Heavenly Father.  So choose what is best and dedicate yourself unto Him.

Kindly Note:
As per the message from God of KLWC, our team will be conducting an in-house 48 hours fasting prayer service from the 28th Aug 2015 to 30th Aug 2015.  Your Thanksgivings and Prayer Requests are welcome.  

Tuesday, 25 August 2015


The Holy Bible says, “God purposely considers what the world considers nonsense in order to shame the wise and He chooses what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful.” (1 Cor. 1:27)
The Gift of Fortitude is also one of the richest holy blessings of God that grants us the skill to handle difficult situations wisely and peacefully.  It produces will power and a spirit filled inspiration to handle the problems smoothly and calmly. The dependency on God can be clearly observed in the one who is blessed with this gift.  The above Bible verse proves that man has got nothing to boast in himself.  The confidence and the determination towards the promise of God strongly infuse the one who is blessed.  The God of refuge and fortress abundantly pours out His courage and power upon him and transforms the one to be obedient to His will.  The one who is having the gift of fortitude can say that he is a total instrument of God.  Tranquility and contentment overflows along with the gift of fortitude. 

The Fall of Jericho is an example of the power of ‘fortitude’ which was given to Joshua, His servant.  He said to him ‘I will be with you as I was with Moses.  I will always be with you.  I will never abandon you. 
(Joshua 6). 

God constantly encourages and provides assurance to His obedient servants just as how we appreciate and admire to uplift our dear ones.  To be His servant or His people, one must make sure that you obey the whole Law He gave through His servant Moses.    Be sure that the Book of Law is always read; study it day and night and make sure that you obey everything written in.  You will be prosperous and successful.  No one will be able to defeat you as long as you live.  This is the assurance that God gives to His righteous ones.

The Holy Bible says in the Gospel of St. Matthew, “Whoever holds out to the end will be saved.” Faithfulness to the gift of the Holy Spirit in all circumstances is very essential to succeed.  By keeping the word of God in heart as holy and using it in a proper manner will help us to safeguard our gifts.  To be faithful always, the gifts are to be used for the spiritual purposes.  Happy is the person who remains faithful under trials, because when they succeed in passing such a test, they will receive as their reward the life which God has promised to those who love him. (James 1 :12)

The Life of Job - a good man who suffers total disaster -is worth recollecting.  God does not give answers to his questions, but He does respond to his faith by His divine power full of fortitude which makes Job to humbly acknowledge God as wise and great. 

In the book of James admires the prolonged sufferings of Job. “You have heard of Job’s patience and you know how the Lord provided for him in the end.”  (James 5:11).  Job was blessed with patience and endurance through the gift of fortitude.  When we exalt, praise and honour the Almighty God and offer gratitude for His marvelous works we gain mental courage which enables us to accept the sufferings and pain.

St. Stephen’s martyrdom is also an example for us.  At the time of his death the gift of fortitude made him to pray for the people who were stoning him to death.  Stephen knelt down and cried out in a loud voice, “Lord do not remember this sin against them.”  (Acts 7:60).  The gifts of God can perform marvelous change in our lives also.  In the form of Holy Spirit God pours out His love into our hearts where there is no pain, hatred or grudge and other evils.  His love produces all virtues in fullness into our hearts and when it flows through our blood we become stainless.  All complaints against one another vanish.

By practicing fortitude you will obtain the grace of prolonged suffering and patience.  Piety and fortitude work together.

Do not lose courage because it blesses us with great patience and endurance to do the will of God i.e. to live in love. He who is coming will come, He will not delay. So let us be righteous.  He is not a God who is pleased with the fall of any one of us but He is the one calling us near to Him and encouraging us to love one another which is safe and sure and takes us to our repentance that is made possible by God.  Amen.