Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Jesus said, “I tell you, then, the great love she has shown proves that her many sins have been forgiven….”  (Luke 7:47)

Lord Jesus was invited by a Pharisee named Simon for a meal at his home, when a woman rushed in with a jar full of perfume and sat by his feet. She would wet His feet with her tears; dry them with her hair, kiss them and pour the perfume on His Holy Feet. The sight was enough for Simon to silently judge the woman and Lord Jesus on the basis of their Laws. The Righteous Lord, who was aware of justice as well as His host’s thoughts, took this as an instance to remove the veil of false teachings from their eyes. 

The Holy Bible says: Jesus spoke up and said to him, “Simon, I have something to tell you.” “Yes, Teacher,” he said, “tell me.” “There were two men who owned money to a money-lender,” Jesus began. “One owned him five hundred silver coins, and the other owned him fifty. Neither of them could pay back, so he cancelled the debts of both. Which one, then, will love him more?” “I suppose,” answered Simon, “that it would be the one who was forgiven more.” “You are right,” said Jesus. (Luke 7:40-43)
Here Jesus Christ indicated that while the woman resembled the man who owned five hundred silver coins and Simon to the one with fifty silver coins; it was He, the Lord Himself who portrayed the role of the owner. He explained them, “She believed she was offered more concession, so showed more love to the Master who forgave all her sins.” Jesus turned to her saying, “Your sins are forgiven.” The feeble and pathetic nature of some Pharisees was that they considered themselves so upright that there was hardly any scope for them to repent. Their minds were always ready to justify themselves that it was unable to prepare them towards the essence of repentance and its benefits.

 Though seated beside Lord Jesus, Simon never wholeheartedly accepted or acknowledged Him as the Son of God who has the authority to forgive the sins of mankind and set them free. This Pharisee in fact symbolises all those people who confess Lord Jesus only with their lips and those who have shut the doors of their hearts to be far away from what they converse. Jesus Christ came to invite sinners to Salvation. Here, the woman and Simon identify with the Lord in a truly different manner. The Pharisees pretend to be righteous all the time and even if they tend to commit a sin; their belief that they can be purified by carrying out the Laws overpowers them; they are anything but adamant to receive the redemption that came through Christ.  It is impossible to obtain repentance and its freedom if one cannot evaluate their deeds in light. Being a host, Simon failed in his hospitality that befit Lord Jesus.

Dear readers, I would like to draw your attention to a unique character of Jesus Christ. In the entire description we are thoroughly versed with the Pharisee’s name; but look, the name of the woman is not mentioned or revealed. Our Lord never publishes the name of the sinners. The prime message is, “I tell you, then, the great love she has shown proves that her many sins have been forgiven….”  (Luke 7:47) Only when you realize and appreciate that you have received freely plenty from God, can you love Sovereign God more than everything. But if an individual thinks that everything he/she has achieved is only through self effort, they cannot imbibe the merciful love of Jesus. This parable can be summed up in two ways:  
1) one who loves God wholeheartedly receives more love and forgiveness.
2) we ought to love God so much because He showed  us so much love and forgiveness.

This parable has amazingly described the beautiful relation between God and man! Out of His fount of mercy and unconditional love we are showered countless and inexpressible blessings every moment. But if we continue to be ingratitude and freeze our hearts from loving Him we would not grow in His love and forgiveness. St. Paul says, “....God has shown us how much He loves us—it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us. By His sacrificial death we are now put right with God; how much more then will we be saved by Him from God’s anger. We were God’s enemies, but He made us His friends through the death of His Son.” (Romans 5:8-10) But there were also many Pharisees who sought Salvation through Lord Jesus Christ. During a journey Saul, in spite of being a Pharisee, after his interaction with Jesus Christ, wrote a new history. “For no one is put right in God’s sight by doing what the Law requires; what the law does is to make man know that he has sinned.”(Romans 3:20)

What guarantee do you have in your confidential friends? Who is there to love and forgive you without publishing your name or deeds? There is no replacement for the love and relief that Jesus Christ offers. Dear ones in Christ, what is there in your claypot? Adversities? Brokenness? Struggles? Etc.  Let us imitate her deed faithfully by being with Jesus Christ, who has the power to forgive and re-mold your clay-pot. He will certainly give you rest and a light heart that can sing a new song of His mercy and thanksgiving. Let us cry out in one accord for the Will of God. May His Spirit of Mercy fall upon the universe; to crush and sweep off the ancient serpent family.

May the Lord bless you and take care of you. May He be kind and gracious to you. May the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace.

With love filled blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"