Friday, 30 October 2015

Part I
How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God’s people to live together in harmony………that is where the Lord has promised His blessings – life that never ends.  (Psalms 133)

During a public ministry service, a mother pulling her nine year old son approached me. “Ever since his birth, I have lost all my peace. Tried sending him to my mother’s place, then admitted him twice to a hostel, but all my attempts to inculcate some discipline in him goes futile. Why did God give me such a huge punishment? I myself have a lot of health issues and many a times, I attempted to end my life regards to the shame and disgrace he gifts me every time.”
I turned my attention towards the little boy, who was all the more in his own world.  Placing my hands and blessing them, I was guided by the Lord to give her an appointment, which gave me a chance to meet the mother personally.
During the conversation, she explained that she was a devotee of Christ, so I casually enquired about her spiritual life.  The very next moment the Savior revealed to me the critical situation of the family.
Dear ones in Christ, the Holy Bible says, “Parents do not treat your children in such a way as to make them angry, instead bring them up with Christian discipline and instruction.”  (Eph 6:4)
Thereafter, I took an opportunity to meet the child alone. After a casual talk, I began to ask him to address his issue. The innocence look mixed with sorrows was overpowering. Suddenly he hugged me tightly, and began to cry severely as he burst out, “I am alone, and I have nobody. I hate myself and each and everyone. Even today mother brought me forcefully to you. You treated me so gently, that I like you. Can I be with you? I promise to obey you and become like you. But I hate my home, my family, my dad. He is addicted to alcohol and brings home a bad set of friends. Once drunk, he beats up my mother and abuses her with bad foul language. She always cries. He does not allow me to do anything I wish. I hate my life. I do not want to obey dad, hence I don’t study.”
When the head of the family is too busy with no time for his wife and children, he is disregarding his God given responsibilities. How do we expect a child to be polite and obedient towards such a father?
Each heart no matter big or small; are totally broken and deep rooted with unpleasant memories, witnessed from childhood.
When parents construct a platform for their own pleasures, not recalling that there is a Heavenly Father, who watches them and to whom they are accountable for each and minute second of their life, time, skills, family, siblings and neighbor.
It is only through the parent’s mutual respect and love that their children would grow in age as well as wisdom and grace.
It is the equal duty of both the father and mother to truthfully accept self and each other; seek God, accepting Him as the mediator of the wedlock and honor Him by obeying His Law. Be sure to keep your gaze fixed on God, all the while drawing all the strength, patience and grace from Him, to carry out the daily responsibilities without fail.
When the child observes his/ her parents obeying the Great Grandpa above (God), willingly the child will be guided by God.
 Parents! Do you struggle hard to accumulate richness of this world, dreaming about the day when your child would grow up and attain higher position and make your name prominent? How many times have you secretly planned for his/her future keeping away your life partner, so that the child grows up to fulfill your dreams and desires?  
All your ambitious plans and fruits of your hard labor would deplete if you do not care to seek the will of God along with your partner before charting the future plans for His gift to you (your child).  
Your name, fame and wealth and all your goodness will be washed out by God himself, because the connectivity is broken. 
So reconcile with God today!
Likewise, the fate of those husbands and wives, who have been living together for years yet are unable to accept each other wholeheartedly, beware of the tragedy that awaits you. Each member in a family has a different story to share.
Let me utilize this opportunity to pen certain fundamental truths for the success of life!
Marriage is sacrament that calls for several and countless sacrifices in each step.  It is a life that consists not only of two different individuals who take the promise but the truthfulness and acceptance of two different families. This could be termed as the first and foremost foundation towards the success of marital life.
When a man and woman commit themselves fully and with a contrite heart during the sacrament of matrimony,  God showers certain qualities like acceptance, truthfulness, love, patience, forgiveness, sacrifice, endurance, punctuality, kindness, compassion,  upon the couple during their marital vows which is need for entering into a new mutual sacrificial life. 
So if you have failed to reconcile with God prior to receiving this Sacrament, surely there will be failures from your side, such as lack of self acceptance, non-acceptance of your partner, her /his family, child, etc.  Since sin always brings disaster in our life so the web in your heart will bring failures and brokenness in your life.
Can guilt convey joy to a person?  Or can a blameworthy person make her /his partner happy?  A pretender cannot trust others because he is already enslaved to fear, guilt, anxiety and anger. 
These attitudes will create misunderstandings and empty out the happiness of the other person.  However good natured and soft spoken a spouse may be, do not forget that if they are subjected to injustice, unfaithfulness etc; gradually the lamp of faith in God would be put off.
That is why Lord Jesus commanded, “If anyone should cause one of these little ones to loss his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large milestone tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea.” 
With the aid of the above verse from the Holy Bible evaluate yourself!  Review if you are the reason for your life partner’s loss of faith in God? Is your nature of concealing your faults and not being truthful the sole cause for bringing miseries upon your family? The Lord is teaching each one of us that we are answerable for the injustice that we bring upon others.
So if you are ready to correct yourself, you will be free from God’s penalty.  Our loving God is full of mercy and slow to anger.  He showers His promises to thousands of generations but He punishes up to three to four generations.  The Holy Bible says do not delay your repentance thinking that God will not punish.  A stubborn person will be burdened with troubles.  (Sirach 3)
Are you chocked up and suffocating spiritually, mentally and physically?  The Holy Bible says, “Have you sinned, my son? Don't do it again, and pray for forgiveness for what you have already done. Avoid sin as if it were a snake. If you get too near, it will sink its teeth into your soul like a lion, and destroy you. (Sirach 21:1-2)
Today is the day and the right time for you to reconcile with God.  Do not delay any further.
 A family counseling could assist you to the right direction and release you from the evil trap.  When you accept God, you would be able to accept yourself and your partner.
“How wonderful and pleasant it is for God’s people to live together in harmony… (Psalm 133)
                                                                                             (To be continued)
With Love filled Blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

Kindly Note:
As per the message from God of KLWC, our team will be conducting an in-house Night Vigil service from 11 pm (1/11/2015) to 6 am (2/11/2015)   Your Thanksgivings and Prayer Requests are welcome.

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