Tuesday, 20 October 2015


The Holy Bible says, “A stubborn person will be burdened down with troubles. (Sirach 3:27)

Blessed by God’s grace are those who capable to view all the events and incidents of this small world and daily life through the spiritual aspect cause that’s God’s perceptive of our actions. Those who perceive those tearful days of life as a spiritual carnival, the acceptance of the lost days as God’s plan and purpose and the deep wounds as the drops of anointing oil of comfort achieve immense success in their life.

A lady approaching me for prayer sighed deeply as she murmured her petition, “Dear Sister, I have nobody and am all alone. My husband passed away when my children were very young. Children now are grown up, settled and busy in their world.  They have no time to visit me or inquire about my whereabouts. They send me more than enough money, not knowing that my happiness and comfort does not lie in it. Can you pray to your God to gift my remaining days to my children and to call me to His land.”  

Her request moved my heart.

The Holy Bible says, “Honor your father with all your heart, and never forget how your mother suffered when you were born. Remember that you owe your life to them. How can you ever repay them for all they have done for you?” (Sirach 7:27-28)

How soon do we forget the teachings of God our Father, who honor and care every parent individually? How often we forget His instruction to us children, to visualize and consider parents as our own eyes?

A visit to any old age homes or a peep into verandah of most homes highlights the sight of old parents, lonely and unhappy, awaiting the arrival of their own children, all desiring for few words of comfort and acceptance.  All their anxiety face and tearful eyes yearn patiently to get a glimpse of their dear children.

Some parents have more deadly fate. They do no longer wish to see the cruel and frustrated face of their children.  Their parenting  is questioned every now and then, when their children who they brought up with so much love , accuse and corrects them not considering  their sacrifices.  Arguments and accusations are shot down at parents who get depressed, adding more meaninglessness to their sunset phase.  A sight so heart breaking but so common these days.

Let us turn to the Gospel of St. John. In the scripture we hear a voice saying to Jesus, “I have no one.” Read it on and we learn about the man who was ill for 38 years , lying helpless with no one to help. (John 5)

Dear ones do not just consider the incident as a mere miracle. Through this chapter, may the Word of God help you listen to the cry of your parents who broke their life to pieces for your sake, your bright future.
Question yourself, “What all have I rejected for my parents? Have I given up anything for their welfare and comfort?

Unless you return their favor, seven times, it will not be counted in the shore of blessings, because the Holy Bible says, “Respect your father and your mother, as I, the Lord your God, command you, so that all may go well with you and so that you may live a long time in the land I am giving you.” (Deu. 5:16)

Dear ones, the wounds will not be healed by verbal comfort and prayers. Along with it, it is mandatory  to add a loving approach, compassionate look, merciful fondle and a heartfelt embrace. Above all, it is utmost necessary to have a safe and sound place and the feel of belonging to it.

By denying them of their above rights and packing them off to old age home, throwing them out forcibly to the nearby shed etc, in their sunset phase will shake the foundation of your own family, as the Holy Bible again mentions, “when parents give their blessing, they give strength to their children’s home, but when they curse their children, they destroy the very foundations.” (Sirach 3:9)

If you have forsaken your parents, for your very own selfish motives, pleasure and convenience and denied and stripped them off the due care and protection they ought to receive,  and  their tears reach the altar of the Most High God, remember as per God’s Law you are indebted to them and a price has to be paid for every account that God holds you responsible.

When you flourish in life, do not forget to look into the account book of God, opened for you, that clearly indicates the struggles and sacrifice they carried on their shoulders and the anxiety in their heart to bring you up.  They have tuned you to believe, to live and love, to forgive and forget, to be polite and accept everything,; if you  such have parental upbringing experience, do praise and thank God now without further delay.

Instead of stretching out your money bags towards them or feed them out of duty or visit them once or twice a year to delight them and others; open your hearts truly, give them a better position in your family and reside them in your heart.  It is good to remember, that there are many indebted loving stories within you to share with them and to make their soul peaceful at the same time making your life secured.
Your shoulder bears the very genuine fact of this parental debt from God, who wants us to be blessed by the fruits of His children. They loved you more than their life and everything in it, and lifted their hands to God always for your sake.

Let us utter a Living word to them not forgetting the very fact that parents are the visible God of our life.

If they have completed their journey and passed away, always remember to pray and offer the sacrifice for the salvation of their soul.

“Never seek honor for yourself at your father’s expense; it is not to your credit if he is dishonored. Your own honor comes from the respect that you show to your father. If children do not honor their mothers, it is their own disgrace. My son, take care of your father when he grows old; give him no cause for worry as long as he lives. Be sympathetic even if his mind fails him; don’t look down on him just because you are strong and healthy. The Lord will not forget the kindness you showed to your father; it will help you to make up for your sins. When you are in trouble, the Lord will remember your kindness and will help you;  your sins will melt away like frost in warm sunshine. Whoever abandons his parents or gives them cause for anger may as well be cursing the Lord; he is already under the Lord’s curse. (Sirach 3:10-16)

With Love filled blessings,
your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"