Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Part II
How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God’s people to live together in harmony………that is where the Lord has promised His blessings – life that never ends.  (Psalms 133)

Click here for the earlier part.

When you accept God, you will be bestowed with the grace to accept yourself and your partner. The relationship given by God should not be broken.

But, aren't there numerous broken chords that ought to be tied?
 You may be a son or daughter not accepted by your father or mother or it could be that you would not have accepted them.   

It is time to seal the cracks that you have with your parents as it has erected an invisible wall between God and you. Unless you strive to correct it, you will observe a downfall in your life, resulting in you being a unsuccessful individual.

Remember God does not want to see His beloved children like this.

 The more arrogant, stubborn and delay in correcting yourself, your actions will result in many people’s tears which will reach to the Lord, who cannot close His eyes to injustice.
By the arrival of other generation, events turn out to be more serious.
That is why is it more vital to clear the issues as early as possible and be free from misery.

 God is very thorough with the correction of His children; and therefore He chose and sends prophets among the people to deliver His message.
There are also instances when God uses our little children as His tools to correct and reveal His teachings and will for us.
 When you observe that your child reacts to your advice adversely, instead of punishing and reprimanding them, turn to the Lord and ask forgiveness for your wrongdoing. Be humble and eager to correct yourself.

 The Holy Bible says, “The children are a gift from the Lord, they are a real blessing. The sons a man has when he is young are like arrows in a soldier’s hand.” (Psalms 127:3-4)

Some parents tend to be too casual when their little ones get mischievous; forgetting that if they are not corrected at the proper time, may turn out to be serious offenders in the future.
Every moment God is watching such parents and warning them.

It is time to bring changes in your behavior towards God and your child.
Break the walls that were build up because of you and your attitude, as the wicked world with its fast, foolish growth is awaiting to swallow your next generation for the reason that if you are the cause for it, it is truly terrible for you.  

Check and reconcile with all the relationships so as to bring up your child with God’s blessings. Accept Lord Jesus as your Spiritual Teacher, learn about Him and as parents spend time together with God, because Lord Jesus says, “I tell you more : whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”  (Matt 18:19) 

You have been trying this for many years, but in vain.  Why? 

Take a look back again, there could be much many more walls put up by you against your blessings.

Don’t think Sister is being too harsh with you.  Never! dear ones. I am a lady who sacrificed her family for the sake of the Gospel as per the Will of God to win families.

It is my responsibility to help you with true spiritual knowledge, so that families may be saved. By spreading the knowledge we would be able to help save each other, successfully defeating the cunning enemy. It is only for your peaceful future and for the salvation of your soul from the cruel foe fighting against out Heavenly Father, who is so full of pure love.

If you have ears, listen!

Let’s take a walk down the memory lane to the early days of your life. Engraved in your thoughts will be your home a dwelling of  your family— be it poor, middle class, or rich, orthodox consisting of grandparents, parents, siblings, other relatives etc. surrounded by good neighbors, teachers, friends, and other well wishers etc;

Where are they now? How are they doing? Are you in good terms with them ? Do you visit, help or console them often? Are they in good health or bedridden? Or are you bed ridden? Could be that some are leading a lifeless and meaningless life? Are they visiting you? Do you invite them or they keep inviting you? Deep in your heart are you cheerful when they reflect in your memory?

Where is the good Samaritan who helped you to progress in your life by bringing up your child? There are other few who emptied themselves by helping you and your siblings etc;
These are the few among the numerous questions God your Creator is raising over you!

God wants us to renew every relationship for the welfare of our descendants.

How can you forget the old home where you were born and lived with your siblings in limitations? In the absence of your parents, how you overcame the fear of the heavy thunderstorm by tightly holding your sibling. The meals she/ he fed you when in hunger, sat, cried and consoled you when sick in bed, the roads traveled without caring the distance, be it to school, church etc; games you played together; learning the initial lessons of sharing and caring for each other; the movies you watched together, etc;

If possible, put a pause to your busy life to recollect and reconcile with them to make a complete family tree to introduce them to your children, inviting them to take a dip in the blessings that God has showered over you.

Our Good Loving Father desires a unity like the Holy Trinity i.e. the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A tri-chord will not break easily. So reconcile with yourself, parents, siblings, children etc and then soon God will bless you and your dream home.

Certainly it is not easy to reconcile and patch up the differences because evil has pierced through it. But the Lord Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever can penetrate into our past and remove the obstacles. Certain incidents may be fresh and cancerous.

You may deny all this, saying that you have nothing against them.

But analyze for yourself, if you are peace when alone? Is your soul safe in God’s hands? Are you content when you offer prayer and sacrifices? Are you able to present peace to your partner and children? Are you truly guilt free?
The Lord is giving an opportunity to recollect and repent truly for having forgetting them when life was greener on your side.

Let us make use of this opportunity to discard any miscommunication and reach out to our siblings and relatives, forgetting what so ever may be the reason we drifted apart.  

The greatest gift we can give each other is the ‘gift of prayer’.

The Holy Bible instructs us: “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, requests and thanksgivings be offered to God for all people.” (1Timothy 2:1)

The Lord is always looking for someone who will to pray. As their names or any memory comes before you simply lift them to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to help them and release His Power and Love on their behalf.

Talk to the Lord as you would to your dad.

“Father, I pray, please meet their needs, as Your heart desire be done.”

The best way to begin reconnecting is by lifting them in Prayer to the Father.

“You are the God who works miracles; You showed your might among the nations.” (Psalms 77:14)

Lord, grant me your blessing and let your light adorn and shine on my family tree.

With Love filled Blessings,

Your Sister in Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"