Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Part 1

The Holy Bible says “…….Because I live, you also will live. (John 14:19)

One day Lord Jesus was teaching the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law.
A man from the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide with me the property our father left us.”

Jesus knew there were some in the crowd who were looking for a trap to catch Him as they were displeased about the truth in every message He had spoke and conveyed.

Since His time had not yet come to be handed over to His enemies, Christ said that He had not been given the authority to judge or divide their property.

“My Kingdom does not belong to this world” clears the above statement ; and Jesus took this apt opportunity to explain to the people about greed and false refuge on the worldly richness on the pretext of a better future as He went on to say, “Watch out and guard yourself from every kind of greed.”

Then Jesus told them this parable:  “There was once a rich one who had land which bore good crops.  He began to think to himself, ‘I haven’t anywhere to keep my crops.  What can I do?  This is what I will do.’ he told himself.  ‘I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, where I will store my corn and all my other goods.  Then I will say to myself, Lucky man! You have all the good things you need for many years.  Take life easy, eat, drink and enjoy yourself!  But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night you will have to give up your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for yourself?”

And Jesus concluded, “This is how it is with those who pile up riches for themselves but are not rich in God’s sight.”  (Luke 12 :16–21)

This parable indicates a man who loses his peace and becomes restless due to his great riches; as he is unable to find a place to keep all his crops safe.

Sovereign Lord says, “I am angry with them, because of their greed…..” (Isaiah 57)

Worrying about money will lead to loss of health and sleep. One who loves this wealth, cannot be judged innocent as his efforts to get rich have led him astray to sin. The greed to possessions has been cause of ruin and disasters to many. The charm of excess money is a trap that every fool falls into.

Here too the rich man forgot about God and his co-brothers, when his land produced good harvest.

The Sovereign Lord says, “Each year bring to the house of the Lord your God the first corn that you harvest.” (Exodus 23:19)

Again His Holy Law commands, “Set aside a tithe --  a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.” (Deuteronomy 14:22)

Therefore it is our duty to use our wealth as the Most High commands, as it will do more good than accumulating it for ourselves.

The words, “All my crops” clearly indicates the selfishness of the rich man. It is evident that he had no intention of presenting an offering to God or selflessly giving to the poor.

You may claim that it is your hard work and it is you yourself  who deserve the fruit of your labor.

Without God’s approval and assistance can we gain anything in this world? Without the co-operation and the timely support of your family members, how many days can you continue your work?

The Holy Words reminds us that there is nothing that you can claim for yourselves. Didn’t God give you everything you have?  Well, then how can you boast as if what you have were not a gift.” (1 Cor 4)

Remember then, that like the rich man of this parable, if you also boast and forget your loved ones who supported you, the moment salary/ profits reaches you; then you are not far from the road that lead you to misfortune and God’s light will not shine through your hard work.

If you have faith in Christ, you ought to follow His righteous teaching in the interest of your own benefit. Be sure to utilize your wealth accordingly to the Will of God.

“Honor the Lord by making Him an offering from the best of all that your land produces.” (Prov. 3:9)

The rich man in the parable had decided to take life easy with his richness leading him to laziness – eat, drink and enjoy.  When God provides you opportunities like health, skills, talents, to work hard throughout your life, you can earn and help others who are sick and are not able to work even for their daily needs. 
Despise those who are lazy and who lavish their lives in foolish manner.

God teaches us that by sharing a part of wealth to those needy around us; we accumulate riches in heaven.

Whenever possible  do good to those who need it the most. “Giving to the poor can make up for sin, just as water can put out blazing fire. Anyone who responds to others with acts of kindness is thinking of the future, because he will find help if ever he falls on hard times. (Sirach 3:30)

                                                                                       (to be continued)

With Love filled Blessings
Your Sister In Christ

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"Blessed shall be when you enter & blessed shall be when you go out"